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每天使用牙线。Use dental floss daily.

迈克在一家牙科诊所工作。Mike works in a dental clinic.

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也没有免费的牙齿检查。Not with free dental checkups.

我礼拜四有牙医的预约。I have a dental appointment on Thursday.

什么是牙垢和牙石?What are dental calculus and odontolith?

电动冲牙器能代替洗牙么?What can prevent dental porcelain teeth?

种植牙属于医疗保险范围吗?Are dental implants covered by insurance?

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最后一组控制组只需想象牙疼即可。A control group thought about dental pain.

银汞合金被用作牙的填料。Silver amalgam is used as a dental filling.

马看牙板,树看年轮。Horses dental board, look at the tree rings.

所以我们开始留意牙齿保险。So we started looking into dental insurance.

微创种植牙的概念?Concept of Minimally Invasive Dental Implant?

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牙垢和牙石可以预防吗?Can we prevent dental calculus and odontolith?

手臂疼痛,下颌疼痛,颈部疼痛,牙痛。Arm pain, jaw pain, neck pain, and dental pain.

这样做会导致你花很花钱去补牙。The buildup could lead to costly dental repairs.

怎样除去牙垢和牙石呢?How to remove the dental calculus and odontolith?

口腔癌是第二大严重的牙科疾病。Oral cancer is the second serious dental problem.

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博济牙科中心成立于2003年。Boji Dental Clinic Center was established in 2003.

“桐梓人”化石具有氟斑牙的病征吗?。Have "Tongzi" Fossils Symptom of Dental Fluorosis?

如果一只海狸需要补牙,那么它应该去找谁呢?If a beaver needed dental work, where would it go?