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这位实际上没有父亲的奥巴马,无疑是无父者中的一个特例。The effectively fatherless Obama is clearly a freakish outlier.

给出一种基于密度的局部离群点挖掘方法。A method of density-based local outlier mining method is proposed.

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离群值与非离群值之间并没有明显的区别。Thus, there is not a sharp distinction between outlier and non-outlier.

但如果有人说你们从中学不到什么,那他对此一无所知I would say the one that says you can't learn anything from this is an outlier.

孟玛的研究团队正在重新分析他们的资料,想找出为什麽数值会有这麽大的差距。Mumma's team is now reanalyzing its data to try to determine why its value is the outlier.

这种方法可以用来过滤“噪声”孤立点数据,发现任意形状的簇。The method can be used to filtrate the outlier data and discover clusters of arbitrary shape.

您需要一个离群值标记项,以表明一个记录是否为离群值。You want an outlier-flag query item that indicates whether a record is considered an outlier.

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对M-估计中的重要参数的取值对结果的影响作了考察。We also studied the influence of the parameter bof M-estimator and the outlier size on results.

提出一种基于异常值检测的电梯交通流递归预测方法。This paper proposes a recursive forecast method for elevator traffic flow based on outlier detection.

露宿者是一家我一直很羡慕其网站、服装和价格标签的公司。Outlier is a company I have always been jealous of, their website, their clothing and their price tag.

这将有助于总结信息,同时允许快速访问相关的异常数据记录。This will help to summarize information and still allow for a fast access to relevant outlier data records.

我们既不能把过去10年20年看作长期趋势,也不能把它们看成异常值。And we certainly shouldn't assume that the past 10 or 20 years is either the long-term trend or the outlier.

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SOP应该包括特定的逸出值适用于预先指定的相关参数。The SOPs should include the specific outlier test to be applied with relevant parameters specified in advance.

众多小说是局外人叙述,但在麦克劳德的小说是靠上下文来决定叙述的。Much fiction is narrated by outsiders, but in Mr MacLeod's imagination being an outlier depends on the context.

因此,一个先进的用户界面和交互模型是成功处理离群值的前提条件。A sophisticated user interface and interaction model is therefore a prerequisite of successful outlier handling.

在分析残差信号特征的基础上,利用残差变化率的变化规律,使用莱特准则对野值进行判断。Based on analyzing the characteristics of residue, the Letts' criterion method was used to an identify an outlier.

异常挖掘是数据挖掘的一个重要分支,已逐渐成为许多领域的有用工具。Outlier mining is a important branch of data mining, and is becoming a growingly useful tool in many applications.

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在对时序数据进行离群检测之前,一般先将原时序数据划分为若干个子序列,以便降低计算复杂度。General approaches for outlier detection need to divide temporal data into sub-sequences so as to reduce complexity.

在这些情况下,一个感觉是逸出值的数值实际上可能是不均匀产品的真实结果。In these applications, a value perceived to be an outlier may in fact be an accurate result of a nonuniform product.

数据挖掘的一个难题是异常挖掘,而另一新兴学科-统计诊断中的相关理论很大程度上解决了这一难题。One of the difficulties is Outlier Mining, which is partly solved by the new-arising subject, say, statistic diagnosis.