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不过,你怎么知道谁是穷人呢?And how do you know when someone is indigent?

穷人总有无数贫困潦倒之处。For one poor man there are an hundred indigent.

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穷人总有无数贫困潦倒之处。For one poor man there are and hundred indigent.

镇政府负责给穷人提供帮助。那个男孩跑到游泳池边上往水里跳。The town government is responsible for assistance to indigent people.

只有一些最贫困的人们才可能无法“享受”他们这最后一次的仪式。Only the most poor or indigent persons fail to receive their last rites.

官方针对穷人的敌意之恶毒可以说是惊人的。The viciousness of the official animus toward the indigent can be breathtaking.

我们最近采访了老赵,试图找出导致他如此生活的原因。We spoke with Old Zhao recently and found out what drew him to the indigent lifestyle.

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风暴来临前,我们的经营没有盈余,因为有太多贫困的患者。We were not operating in the black before the storm because so many of our patients were indigent.

日本没有宗教行善的传统,因此施粥站或其他收容贫无立锥之地者的地方少之又少。With no religious tradition of charity, Japan has few soup kitchens or other places for the indigent.

她照顾她的父母和其他需要帮助的亲戚,将自己的住所变成了“贫困和老年黑人之家”。She cared for her parents and other needy relatives, turning her residence into the Home for Indigent and Aged Negroes.

在事故发生后的日子里,为了缓解自己的孤单,他开始非正式地收养贫穷的冲绳小孩。To salve his loneliness in the years after the accident, he started un officially "adopting" indigent Okinawan boys and girls.

他们“一分钱都不付或者只支付非常少的费用,原先为贫困或短缺保险的低收入病人设定的费用。”They "either fail to pay anything or pay a greatly-reduced amount designed for indigent or low income patients lacking insurance, " according to DHS.

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重点对低保、低保边缘等特困群众,残障人士,孤寡老人,贫困学生等进行救助。It is targeting groups from financial hardship with special difficulties, meager or no medical provident fund, disabled, old folks, orphans, indigent students, etc.

但是,无论哪个方面的影响之所以在我国有市场最根本原因在于人们性科学知识的贫乏和道德观念的落后。But, the influence of wh whichever respect has the market in our country most what prime cause depends on people sexology knowledge is indigent with moral sense backward.

国际司法桥梁项目尤其注重强化中国迅速发展的贫困人群刑事辩护制度的效率以及提高刑事辩护的质量。IBJ's programming focuses specifically on strengthening the capacity of China's rapidly expanding indigent criminal defense system as well as the quality of the criminal defense bar.

今后和中国加强友好往来,将合作的慈善项目办得更好,对更多的贫困患者给予帮助。We hope that the friendly communications will be strengthened, and the cooperative philanthropic projects will be better and better, so that we can offer more help to the indigent patients.

对于那些因贫困而无法养活自己的人,他却认为不能让他们,完全依靠私人的慈善救济过活,而应当用国家公共支出,建立相应的保障来维持他们的生活。And he argues that indigent citizens, who are unable to provide for themselves, should not be forced to rely simply upon the private charity of individuals but should be maintained at public expense.

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泰勒告诉我火花尸体至少需要300元,而且物价上涨的挺快,没有钱的尸体会直接去解剖教室。It costs at least three hundred dollars to cremate an indigent corpse, Tyler told me, and the price was going up. Anyone who dies without at least this much money, their body goes to an autopsy class.