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梁洛施发言人表示无可奉告。Leong's spokesperson refused to comment.

Zynga的发言人拒绝置评。A Zynga spokesperson declined to comment.

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一位中国联通发言人对此闭口不谈。A Unicom spokesperson declined to comment.

滴滴发言人表示,柳青现在“很好”。Didi spokesperson said Ms Liu is now "fine".

发言人否认某项发表的声明是他说的。The spokesperson disowned a published statement.

财政部一发言人周二对此不予置评.A Treasury spokesperson on Tuesday had no comment.

似乎于丹已成为了孔子的“代言人”。" Dan seems to Confucius has become the "spokesperson.

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政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。A government spokesperson mada a statement to the press.

马里。茵格尔是挪威数字广播的发言人。Mari Hagerup is a spokesperson for Digital Radio Norway.

还有谁能通知我,谁是世园会的抽象代言人?Expo Who can tell me, who is the image spokesperson expo?

亚历山大·安布罗休为该品牌的首位代言人。Alessandra Ambrosio was named the lines first spokesperson.

毛群安是中国卫生部发言人。Mao Qun'an is the spokesperson for China's Health Ministry.

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为什么是迪斯尼乐园?为什么作他们的代言人?Jacky, why Disneyland? Why be a spokesperson for them?Jacky.

大赦国际的一名发言人诺尔马马·约翰斯顿讲述了几个案例。A spokesperson for Amnesty, Norma Johnston, describes some cases.

乌干达政府发言人欧波洛特解释说Ugandan government spokesperson Fred Opolot explains that decision.

“哈曼女士完全接受法庭的裁判”发言人声称。Ms Harman fully accepts the court’s judgment, " a spokesperson said.

奇瑞汽车新闻发言人金弋波表示,“目前没有信息可供发布”。Chery spokesperson Jin Yibo said he had "no information" concerning the deal.

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公司发言人表示,修订版是更正了印刷错误.A spokesperson for the company said the revision corrected a typographical error.

2014年1月2日,外交部发言人秦刚主持例行记者会。Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang held a press conference on January 2, 2014.

关于具体细节,建议你向国防部发言人询问。I suggest you refer to the spokesperson of the Defense Ministry for the specifics.