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专制主义,我够了。I've had enough of despotism.

它是实行专制制度的国家之决不妥协的敌人。She is the irreconcilable enemy of the despotism of the State.

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那样的社会可以不需信任的关系,存在于大型,帝国的专制之中。There can be no relations of trust in a large, imperial despotism.

这种叫嚣,其本质就是顽固分子们的资产阶级专制主义。In essence it is the howl of the die-hards for bourgeois despotism.

然而,正是对于政府的这种观念径直走上了专制之路。That concept of government is, however, the direct road to despotism.

懦夫宁要专制之下的肃静,不要自由之上的喧嚣。Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty.

一群人能够按照自己的意愿治理国家,那么这就是专制的国家。A group of people as they wish to govern the country, so this is despotism.

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从前,有一个卑鄙的国王,以其暴政二臭名昭著。Once upon a time, there lived a despicable king who was known for his despotism.

并且从很大程度上说,这是已经被推翻了的专制主义的一种复归。It was, besides, in large part, a return to the despotism that had been overthrown.

专制制度侵犯精神的疆界,正如武力侵犯地理的疆界。Despotism violates the moral frontier, an invasion violates the geographical frontier.

托克维尔如何描述民主国家必须小心的专制政治?How does Tocqueville characterize the "despotism" that democratic nations have to fear?

即使我接受我所反驳的所有观点,专制主义拥护者的日子也好不到哪里去。EVEN if I granted all that I have been refuting, the friends of despotism would be no better off.

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他能够一眼识破专制的表象,以及这种专制应该何时有必要使用武力加以控制。He can recognise a despot, and the occasions when despotism has to be checked, by force if necessary.

那就是要阻止自由政府的前进,并把其国家带入混乱和暴政中。He would stop the progress of free government and involve his country either in anarchy or despotism.

提供伟哥和国内专制以求从那里脱身八年来一直是一个荒诞的故事。How you get from there to viagra and domestic despotism has been the warped story of the last eight years.

如果你重温一下迈锡尼,我们之前也讲过,你会从某种程度上想到专制If you look at the world of Mycenae once again, we've already seen this, you have a despotism of some kind.

在旧中国,人民生活在死人的专制之下。他们必须尊崇祖宗。In old China, the people lived under the despotism of the dead and had to pay obeisance to their ancestors.

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埃及人没有任何可担心的地方,自从法老时代起,埃及人就已经习惯了生活在专制下。There was nothing to fear from the Egyptians, accustomed as they were to despotism since the Pharaonic age.

托克维尔讨论平等会产生个人主义,进而会导致专制政治。Tocqueville discusses how equality of conditions can breed" individualism", which in turn leads to despotism.

这一举动又一次加强了封建主义,把亚细亚式专制制度又强加于中国人民的头上。This act once again strengthened feudalism and brought back an Asiatic despotism on top of the Chinese people.