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它是毁灭性的。It is destructive.

为自己活着是万恶的。It is destructive living for self.

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这里是相消干涉。We have destructive interference here.

不正常的恐惧是有害的、消极的。Abnormal fear is very bad and destructive.

如果太多的强制性可能会带来破坏性。But too much pushiness can be destructive.

原来这条小公犬在主人家里大搞破坏。The pup had been destructive in the house.

沙暴破坏性的力量是巨大的。The destructive force of the storm was huge.

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减少破坏性提前点火现象的发生。Reduces the risk of destructive pre-ignition.

因此帮派文化才如此有破坏性。Hence the gang culture that is so destructive.

损害性上瘾的一般特征Common Characteristics of Destructive Addictions

Lipman-Bluman列出了一些共通的破坏性的行为Lipman-Blumen lists common destructive behaviors

这样的习惯有害于青年的品德。Such a habit is destructive to the morals of youth.

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于是才会产生破坏的成就感。Hence would produce destructive sense of achievement.

我们永远不应该恨我们自己,这是非常有害的事情。We should never hate our self, it is very destructive.

我问她如何停止这种自我毁灭的循环。I asked her how she stopped the self destructive cycle.

我们需要限制他们具有腐蚀性和破坏性的影响。We need to limit their corrosive and destructive impact.

大豆疫霉根腐病是大豆破坏性病害之一。Phytophthora root rot is a destructive disease of soybean.

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同样,不施行给妇女堕胎的手术。And likewise I will not give a woman a destructive pessary.

而在这表面之下,一种毁灭性的疾病正在四处啃食着。Beneath this surface a destructive disease is gnawing away.

高烈度事件具有相当的破坏性且十分重大。High-amplitude events are very destructive and significant.