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你能给我们详细讲讲威廉斯堡吗?Can you explain to us about Williamsburg in detail?

我住的地方叫威廉斯堡,那儿离曼哈顿很近。I live close to Manhattan, in a place called Williamsburg.

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斜坡公园、威廉斯堡有很多文化,Park Slope, Williamsburg that have a lot of different cultural,

我现在会去布鲁克林的绿点或者威廉斯堡之类的地方,I will head over like, Greenpoint or Williamsburg in Brooklyn now

威廉斯堡就坐落在东河的另一边,Williamsburg is located right on the other side of the East River

我早上会骑车经过威廉斯堡大桥,骑过第一大街,So I go over the Williamsburg Bridge in the morning, up First Avenue,

但在你到达绿点之前,在威廉斯堡的北边,But in the northern part of Williamsburg before you get to Greenpoint,

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威廉斯堡接收了,我想,很多从东村来的过剩人群。Williamsburg took sort of, I think, a lot of the overflow from the East Village.

那你就从我们所在的地方过河,就是威廉斯堡区。and go right across the river from where we are right now, that's Williamsburg area.

当时,公司只是个普普通通的红砖建筑,地处纽约布鲁克林区的威廉姆斯堡地段。It was a modest red-brick building in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York.

那里有叫威廉斯堡和绿点的地方,它们充满朝气,又多一点时尚。And then there's an area called Williamsburg and Greenpoint which are younger, a little more funky.

那里有科尼岛,小飞象,绿点,还有我住的地方——威廉斯堡。There's Coney Island, there's DUMBO, there's Greenpoint, there's Williamsburg which is where I live.

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我也认为,对你来说,那儿是个好去处,我想你也还应该去看看威廉斯堡,And I think that would be a really nice place for you to go, and I think you should also see Williamsburg

大女儿的约翰和弗朗西斯丹德里奇,于1731年6月2日在威廉斯堡附近的一个种植园出生。Oldest daughter of John and Frances Dandridge, she was born June 2, 1731, on a plantation near Williamsburg.

二百周年庆典以5月14日在威廉斯堡罗莉旅舍举行的烤面包晚宴结束。The Bicentennial celebration concluded on May 14 with a dinner and toast at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg.

根据麦克莱伦向华盛顿的报告,麦克莱伦声称在约克镇和威廉斯堡取得了巨大的胜利,然而,他错了。In his reports to Washington, McClellan claimed great victories at Yorktown and Williamsburg. Yet he was worried.

我们的酒店距离伟大的旧都里士满和威廉姆斯堡大约30分钟的车程,附近有很多历史古迹。Our hotel is centraly located 30 minutes from many activies located through out the greater Richmond area and Williamsburg.

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到他的重型装备完全到达并进入指定位置后,南方的军队已经撤离了,他们撤到了威廉斯堡外面的森林地带。By the time his artillery had arrived and was in place, Confederate troops had withdrawn. They moved to the woods outside Williamsburg.

这是继布鲁克林大桥和威廉斯堡大桥后,驾凌于东河的三个吊桥的最后一座。It was the last of the three suspension bridges built across the lower East River, following the Brooklyn and the Williamsburg bridges.

不像当时其他的弗吉尼亚年轻人,他没上过威廉斯堡弗吉尼亚州府的威廉玛丽大学。For unlike other young Virginian of that day, he did not go to the College of William and Mary in the Virginian capital of Williamsburg.