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我是都灵来的,你知道都灵吗?I myself am from Torino. You know Torino?

弗罗西诺内和都灵也联系过我。Also Frosinone and Torino have contacted me.

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奥林匹克白,黑色,白蜡色,都灵红,糖果绿。Olympic White, Black, Pewter, Torino Red and Candy Green.

无论如何,对都灵队的比赛将会非常艰难。In any case , the match against Torino will be very difficult.

除了我们,都灵和罗马也在追逐比安奇。Apart from the biancocelesti, also Torino and Roma are on Bianchi.

在过去七场比赛中都灵都未被击败,拉涅利已经意识到了比赛的艰难。Torino are unbeaten in seven games and Ranieri is well aware of the task in hand.

雷科巴在都灵有了一个好的开端,参与了两个进球。Recoba had a good first game for Torino where he was involved in both Granata goals.

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桑普,拉齐奥和都灵都热切希望开始和这位博洛尼亚球迷的球员展开谈判。Sampdoria, Lazio and Torino are all keen to open talks with the Bologna fans' favourite.

还有布罗基和古尔库夫,他们的表现也很好,现在让我们开始考虑和都灵的比赛吧。Also Brocchi and Gourcuff did very well, but now let's focus on the match against Torino.

我还参与执法了2006年都灵和2010年温哥华冬奥的男单比赛。I also judged the men’s event in both the Torino 2006 and Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.

“对阵容进行轮换是有一定风险的,但好在我们赢下了比赛,”拉涅利在尤文1比0战胜都灵队后表示。"Squad rotation has its risks, but we won, " he said of the 1-0 derby victory over Torino.

阿比压得是我们的球员,而且他在尤文,都灵和马德里竞技都表现很好。Abbiati is ours and he did very well at Juve, Torino and Atletico. He would like to return.

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卡莫莱塞是一位有着雄心壮志的年轻教练,他那颗属于都灵的心现在要变成阿马兰托的心。Camolese is a young Coach with big ambitions and his Torino heart can become an Amaranto heart.

和「紧急追捕令」系列电影的共同点是错误的纯粹力量。What "Gran Torino" shares with the "Dirty Harry" movies is the sheer force of its incorrectness.

下赛季,尤文将和都灵队共同使用只有25,370个座席的奥林匹克体育场。Next season Juve will share the 25,370 capacity Olympic Stadium with Serie A and city rivals Torino.

帕勒莫边后卫博沃的经纪人透露了尤文图斯和都灵都很喜欢这个后方队员。The agent of Palermo fullback Cesare Bovo has revealed Juventus and Torino are keen on the defender.

现在他加盟了巴勒莫俱乐部,这是他离开都灵队以后第一次回到都灵主场踢球。His career has now taken him to Palermo and this will be his first visit to Torino since walking out.

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塞雷纳,今夏从拉齐奥转会都灵的,理解迪达现在的处境。Sereni, who signed for Torino from Lazio in the summer, understands the situation Dida found himself in.

对于巴尔扎雷蒂,这名昔日的都灵球星并没有因为即将离开奥林匹克球场而感到沮丧。As for Balzaretti, the former Torino star is not mourning his imminent departure from the Stadio Olimpico.

周日晚间,米兰5-1重创为保级而挣扎的都灵,菲利浦。因扎吉上演了帽子戏法。Inzaghi netted a hat-trick on Sunday night, as Milan hammered relegation struggles Torino 5-1 at San Siro.