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在早上那太阳放着光芒。In the morning the sun shone.

他军帽上的红星闪闪发光。The red star shone on his cap.

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他军帽上的红星闪闪发光。The star shone red on his cap.

我清理了皇后,直到她照耀.I cleaned Queen until she shone.

昨天晚上星光灿烂。The star shone bright last night.

他把木棒擦得直发亮。He buffed the wood until it shone.

小男孩眨了眨他的蓝眼睛。The boy's sparkly blue eyes shone.

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你向我播洒爱的阳光。You shone the light of love on me.

阳光斜斜地照到他的脸上。The sun shone aslant into his face.

他将花瓶擦得亮光光的。He rubbed the vase up until it shone.

中秋的满月在外面照得很亮。The harvest moon shone clear outside.

她的头发在阳光下闪着紫铜色。Her hair shone copper in the sunlight.

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茱莉亚在洞四周闪动亮光。Julia shone the light around the cave.

月光从树后透过来,显得暗淡。The moon shone dimly behind the trees.

镶木地板光洁如镜。The parquet floors shone like mirrors.

太阳照耀而薄雾逐渐消散。The sun shone and the mist dissipated.

强烈的阳光热辣辣地正照在我的脸上。The sun shone hot and full in my face.

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江面之上布满了初升的太阳的熔金之色。The sun shone on the gold of her hair.

太阳在晴朗的蓝天上闪耀着光芒。The sun shone out of a clear blue sky.

清朗蔚蓝的天空中阳光明媚。The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.