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缅甸剃。Burma Shave.

我得刮刮胡子。I have to shave.

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刮面要小心。Shave carefully.

到底为什么要剃发?See why shave hair?

理发加修面?A hair cut and shave?

我不需要修面。I don’t need a shave.

我每天早上刮脸。I shave every morning.

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我请理发师为我修面。I'd just like a shave.

你每天修面吗?。Do you shave every day?

和尚都剃头。Monks shave their heads.

不要剪发,只要修面。No haircut, just a shave.

理发匠,理发匠,给猪刮毛!Barber, barber, shave a pig!

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我忘记了刮腋毛。I forgot to shave my armpits.

我在理发店剃须修面。I had a shave at the barber 's.

那个人能够刮刮脸就好了。That man could do with a shave.

我真应该刮掉它们。I should just friggin shave them.

你把胡子剃光干什么?Why did you shave off your beard?

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为肌肤享受润滑剃须做好准备。Preps skin for a comfortable shave.

好吧,你,先生,剃一次须怎么样?All right! You, sir, How about a shave?

他被父亲逼着剃光了胡子。His father forced him to a clean shave.