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在撒哈拉以南的矿区,一位身份不明的男子正在寻找锡矿。An unidentified man searches for tin ore at a sub-Saharan mine.

当然,到目前为止也有可能发生了某个没有认识到的错误。Of course, some as-yet unidentified error could have been made.

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第三枪是画面之外响起的,来自一位身份不明的枪手。The third came from offscreen, fired by an unidentified shooter.

不明物体——中餐外带盒里的那些是什么?Unidentified items — What is THAT in that old Chinese takeout box?

其中还包括50,000具身份不明的尸体,也无人前来认领。It includes 50,000 unidentified bodies that have never been claimed.

另有相同比例的人相信存在不明飞行物。That's the same proportion who believe in unidentified flying objects.

不明物体——中餐外带盒里的那些是什么?扔掉吧。Unidentified items — What is THAT in that old Chinese takeout box? Toss.

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多数无法达成一致的矛盾产生于没查明多动症且未经治疗的时候。Most deal-breaking problems arise when ADHD is unidentified or untreated.

杰克和彭蒂科夫找到了那辆车,但车中的尸体是个身份无法辨认的男性。Jack and Penticoff find the car, but the body inside is an unidentified man.

飞行区内发现不明坠落物体属于空防安全隐患。Found crashed unidentified flying objects in the region belong to air safety.

曼南和一名同伴星期一被身份不明的袭击者砍死。Xulhaz and a companion were hacked to death by unidentified attackers on Monday.

身份不明的持枪分子向抗议者开枪还造成200人受伤。Another 200 people were wounded when unidentified gunmen opened fire on protesters.

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据说26岁的金正云是一个议员,这个消息来源不明。It said the 26-year-old was a parliamentary candidate, citing unidentified sources.

右边的女孩是来自路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的露西尔·迪皮伊,其他两位身份不明。The girl on right is Lucille Dupuy of Baton Rouge, La. The others are unidentified.

他们说,这种不明疾病侵害患者肾脏,导致神经系统损伤。They say the unidentified disease attacks the kidneys and causes neurological damage.

今朝,该男人身份不明,警朴直对其死因停止查询拜访。At present, the unidentified man, police are investigating the cause of death of their.

在不明飞行物学中,当一个人目击了不明飞行物被称为近距离接触。In Ufology, a close encounter is when a person witnesses an unidentified flying object.

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或许这种突然死亡会发生在某些人身上,但却不会是他自己。Possibly sudden death may strike a certain number of unidentified other people-but not him.

身份不详的该名男子目前情况危机,患有高温症而且头部受伤。The unidentified man is in critical condition, suffering from hyperthermia and a head injury.

你好?第四拦截司令部?我看到一个不明物体在我的小脑袋周围飞来飞去。Hello? Fourth Interceptive Command? I see an unidentified object flying around my little head.