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没有任何一位救援投手在牛棚中练投。No reliever threw a pitch in the bullpen.

他不相信有很多人,最重要的是他的休息室。He didn't trust many people, most of all his bullpen.

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我们能休息我们的牛栏和,你知道,休息我们的思惟。We can rest our bullpen and, you know, rest our minds.

他完成了他的工作,而且我们也有牛棚可以使用。He did his job, and we were allowed to use our bullpen.

纽约队在救援练球区花了好一番力气才击败坦帕湾队。New York beat Tampa Bay with a great effort from the bullpen.

吉拉迪比赛期间到救援投手区用了八位投手。Girardi went to the bullpen and used eight pitchers during the game.

阿民将会在星期三牛棚练投后评估。The right-hander will be evaluated after a bullpen session on Wednesday.

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小王后来到了牛棚多投了15球让自己好忘掉这一天的表现。He threw about 15 more pitches in the bullpen to finish a forgettable day.

昨天跳过先发的穆帅,星期五已经开始在牛棚练投。Mike Mussina, who skipped a start yesterday, threw a bullpen session Friday.

两人都曾经先发,但是Girardi不会将他们从牛棚中移出来。Both have been starters before, but Girardi will not move them from the bullpen.

从在牛棚练投的第一球开始,我就知道今天我的下场会如何了。From the first pitch in the bullpen , I knew it was going to be that kind of day.

道根坐在房子里,史使高丽把他的证章反过来看他的名字。DOGGETT is sitting in the bullpen just as SCULLY turns over his badge to read his name.

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这些人是要为尽快把牛只赶入牛棚里负责的。These people are responsible for getting the bulls into the bullpen as quickly as possible.

现在是时候看整个打线点燃战火,现在是时候让牛棚证明他们有更好的控制能力。It is time for line-up to light fire. It is time for bullpen to prove their better control force.

我认为,我们的牛栏开始稍微磨损下来,而且我想在好的时间就要来的休息。I think our bullpen is starting to get a little worn down and I think the break's coming at a good time.

双人在编程时会发出噪声,满是对子的大房间里总存在着低低的嗡嗡声。A pair will make noise as they program. A bullpen full of pairs will maintain a continual, low-level buzz.

这在一个小的团队可能是容易的,但对于个全球化分布的团队,就会比较难。This can be tricky even in a simple bullpen setting, and far more difficult as the team is staffed globally.

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在牛棚的时候感觉很好,我也很想这样投因为我知道印地安人在等我的伸卡球。It felt very good in the bullpen and I wanted to do that because I know Cleveland was waiting for the sinker.

他们有良好的客户关系管理系统,现代电话系统,还有光线充足、安排良好的串联办公室。They had a functioning CRM which was packed full of leads, a modern phone system, and a well-lit, well-appointed sales bullpen.

更多的机会呈现在洋基身上,但是水手的牛棚似乎让这机会一闪而逝。Further opportunities would be presented for New York, but the Mariners' hard-throwing bullpen seemed able to flush out the chances.