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你会想家吗?Do you ever get homesick?

我总是会想家,I get homesick all the time,

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我有点想家了。I feel a little bit homesick.

我还是非常想家。I'm still feeling pretty homesick.

我只是有点想家了。I’m just feeling homesick I guess.

那个时候我最想家。That's when I get homesick the most

这些就照片钩起我的思乡之情。The old photos set off my homesick.

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我在国外时可真想家呀。I did be homesick when I was abroad.

然后她说,"有时候我想家"And she said, "Oh sometimes I get homesick."

我想他没事,但他现在有点想家。I think he's ok but he's a bit homesick now.

信不信由你,反正我现在非常想家。Believe it or not, I am feeling very homesick.

他辞职不干主要是因为他想家。He left his job largely because he was homesick.

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我最近特别想家,但是你让我振作起来了。I was feeling really homesick but you cheered me up.

是的,不过我还是很想家,我都快得思乡病了。Yes, but I also miss home. I'm going to be homesick.

想,我每个季度至少想家两次。Yeah, I get homesick at least twice a quarter, I think.

在一个静谧四起的夜晚,宁静的氛围引出了我的思乡心绪。In this quiet of the night, the hush drived me homesick.

因为人刚到新的环境总是会有思乡病。People always have homesick when stepping in a new place.

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客居异乡的瑞士人听了放牧调会引起强烈的思乡之情。On hearing it, those Swiss living abroad will feel homesick.

她不会讲英语,没有好友,思念家乡。She did not speak English, had no close friends and was homesick.

伦敦的黄色浓雾使他想念好莱坞他的家。The London pea-souper made him homesick for his house in Hollywood.