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我真的是政治小神童?Am I a small political wunderkind ?

他少年得志尽管是个黑人小孩…Although he was a black child wunderkind.

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她仍保持着神童的激情与敏捷。She retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind.

赚大钱的梦想,只能指望网络神通了。It's the kind of dream you'd expect from a Web wunderkind.

早在几年前,希利斯就已经是一位少年得志的计算机科学专业学生。Just a few years earlier Hillis had been a wunderkind computer science student.

卡森·麦卡勒斯是二十世纪美国文学史上一位有名的女作家。Carson Maulers is a wunderkind in the 20th century of American literary history.

如果你拥有一个六尺七寸的篮板神童,你就得让他长成六尺八寸来在分区里吸引我的注意。And if you have a 6-7 wunderkind rebounder, you list him at 6-8 to get Division I scouts to notice.

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拜纳姆是一个20岁就已经有所作为的球员,他进入球场比人们预计的要早几年,他和科比组成了一个不太可靠但是令人惊奇的组合。Bynum is the 20-year-old wunderkind who arrived upon the scene years earlier than expected. He and Kobe became an unlikely but wondrous combination.

这本由非小说类文学作家苏·蒙克·奇德写就的处女作风靡了美国,之后不久又推出了由好莱坞童星达科塔·法宁领衔主演的电影版。This debut novel by nonfiction author Sue Monk Kidd took America by storm and is soon to appear as a film, starring Hollywood wunderkind Dakota Fanning.

自幼年起,即随父亲学习钢琴,从小就显示出惊人的音乐天赋,被当地媒体多次冠予钢琴神童之称。From childhood on, namely with father learned the piano, since the childhood shows amazing music talent, by local media multiple crown to piano wunderkind said.

但在目前,球迷们只能等待,看温格如何利用从曼城获得的金钱,是用来购买天才神童,还是会出人意料地买来一个知名球星。For the time being, they just have to wait to see if Wenger will use the Manchester City money on some Mongolian wunderkind or if he will surprise them and lay out for the finished article.