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采用辐射式三等份Y型迷宫测试装置,检测动物的空间辨别性学习记忆能力。Each mouse's spatial differentiation memory was tested with radiation trisection Y-type maze.

黄梅话的指示代词很有特色,呈现典型的三分局面。The demonstrative pronouns in Huangmei dialect is very peculiar, featured for its typical trisection.

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东方簇盾吸虫成虫的一侧的排泄管的主要分支符合三分支的基本模式。The main branches of one side excretory canal of the L. orientalis coincide basic pattern of trisection branches.

尽管对于行政三分制还存在争议,它仍然在被实践验证着。Although Trisection of Administration Power system is still an issue, it is still being verified with the practice.

康托尔模拟加速策略以非常规方法解决指令选择问题。It selects the instructions for detail simulation according to the construction procedure of trisection cantor set.

在三分球和罚球命中率方面也有了长足进步,他已经越来越无懈可击。He made a great progress in trisection ball and the shooting rate of penalty shot , and he is unimpeachable increasingly.

要卖一个鼠标给阿Q,之间通过了三个人的传播,那么我把利润三等分,平均分给这三个人。Sell a mouse for Ah Q, between the spread through the three, then I profit trisection , average score for these three individuals.

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本章主要讨论市场与公民社会的关系,焦点在于给予“三分法”以理论和现实的支撑。This chapter mainly discusses the relationship between market and civil society, the crux of which is to give trisection theoretical and realistic support.

根据本文提出的损伤模型和损伤参量演化关系,分别对湿筛混凝土和全级配混凝土试件进行了三分点加载数值模拟。By the damage evolving relation proposed the flexural process of the trisection specimens of wet-sieved and fully-graded concrete was numerically simulation.

而综观西方其他国家的大部制改革,也总是伴随着行政三分制改革的同时进行。And looking at other countries, most of the Western system reform, it is always accompanied by Trisection of Administration Power system reform at the same time.

上位机采用双DSP处理器设计结构,应用波门和相关两种方式跟踪算法,以及三段式云台伺服控制方式确保了系统的跟踪适应能力。The upper system adopts double DSP processors design, the gate and correlation arithmetic as well as trisection arithmetic are applied to improve the adaptability of the system.

文章就三分角问题分析了三分角双曲线的性质、机械作图法并在此基础上研究对某一角的任意等分问题。In the light of trisection angle problem, the paper discusses the nature of trisection angle and hyperbola and mechanical drawing and explores the problem of arbitrary proportion of a certain angle.