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掷标枪。Throwing the javelin.

那运动员掷标枪。The sportsman hurled the javelin.

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约书亚就向城伸出手里的短枪。So Joshua held out his javelin toward Ai.

他冲破了标枪的世界记实。He broke the world record in the javelin throw.

确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的灾害标枪。Fixed Plague Javelin to do initial weapon damage.

确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的毒药标枪。Fixed Poison Javelin to do initial weapon damage.

掷标枪技术性强,掌握它难度较大。Javelin requires skill and is difficult to master.

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掷标枪一直是我最爱做的事情之一。The javelin throw has always been one of my favorite events.

标枪的气动阻力、升力随迎角增加而增加。The aerodynamic drag and lift of javelin increase with angle of attack.

后来又增加了掷铁饼、投标枪、跳远和摔跤等项目。Discus and javelin throwing, long jumping and wrestling were added later.

标枪训练中最常见的创伤主要是肘关节损伤。The most common injuries in javelin throw training were elbow joint throw.

海伦很擅长标枪,玛丽则长于跑步。Helen is very good at throwing the javelin and Mary is very good at running.

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当天下午,扎托贝克的妻子达娜在标枪项目中也金牌。Later that afternoon, Zátopek's wife, Dana, won a gold medal in the javelin throw.

标枪兵IFV是非常好的反装甲,防空,反建筑单位。Javelin Soldier IFVs are a very good anti-vehicle, anti-air, and anti-building unit.

健儿们用手中的标枪向距离的权限发起一轮又一轮的挑战。Athletes hands of the javelin with the authority to launch a distance and a challenge.

由于攻击前延迟,机枪兵需要被其他单位支援。With the pre-attack delay, Javelin Soldiers need to be reinforced by supporting units.

俄罗斯选手安德烈·莫鲁耶夫获男子标枪第一名,成绩为85米18。Moloyev won first place in the men's javelin throw event, with a result of 85.18 meters.

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俄罗斯选手安德烈·莫鲁耶夫获男子标枪第一名,成绩为85米18。Andrew Moloyev won first place in the men's javelin throw event, with a result of 85.18 meters.

前世界标枪冠军科斯塔·盖茨欧迪斯将承担今年奥运火炬接力的第一棒。Former world champion javelin medallist Costas Gatsioudis will be the first runner with the torch.

五枚金牌中一枚是男子标枪,其他四枚都是水上项目。Of the five gold medals, one was from Men’s Javelin and the remaining four were from water sports.