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一纳米是十亿分之一米。One NM is one-1 billionth meter.

十亿分之一米是一纳米。A nanometre is a billionth of a metre.

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一个毫微秒是一百万分之一秒。One nanosecond is 1 billionth of a second.

联合国将于本周宣布第七十亿个公民降生。The UN will announce the arrival of the 7 billionth human a week today.

他说,七十亿人可能是一个女孩出生在农村的北方邦。He says the seven billionth person was likely to be a girl born in rural Uttar Pradesh.

先知第10亿零一次做出准确的预测,于是让第2个盒子空着。And for the billionth plus one con¬secutive time the Predictor predicted correctly and left Box 2 empty.

Raskar博士和他的学生正在研制一个在一万亿分之一秒内发射脉冲的激光。Dr Raskar and his students are working with one that fires its pulse in a thousand billionth of a second.

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这种打破了物理定律的不正常现象持续了十亿分之一秒的十亿分之一的十亿分之一。This anomaly, which breaks the laws of physics, lasted a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second.

但就在本月,鼠标的40岁生日来临前,罗技宣告已经生产出第10亿个鼠标。But Logitech claimed to have shipped its one billionth mouse, just ahead of the device's 40th birthday this month.

微博网站Twitter的信息贴去年11月才达到10亿。The microblogging site only reached its one billionth Tweet last November, and was only up to 1.6 billion in April.

根据IFED,地球现在有六十四亿七千七百万人,第六十五亿人将在十二月的某一天于亚洲出生。According to the IFED, earth has 6.477 billion human beings now, and the 6.5 billionth will be born in Asia some time in December.

在1985年2月22日,第十亿辆汽车通过金门大桥。平均每年有4千万辆汽车经过这座桥。On Feb. 22, 1985, the billionth vehicle passed over the Golden Gate Bridge. An average of 40 million vehicles cross the bridge each year.

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在少于10-21秒的时间内夸克和胶子可以以一种无摩擦的流体形式自由流动,这已经有137亿年没有出现过了。For less than a billionth of a trillionth of a second, quarks and gluons flowed freely in a frictionless fluid that hasn’t existed for 13.7 billion years.

据苹果网站的在线计数器显示,当地时间24日,苹果iTunes在推出7年之际,歌曲下载量突破100亿次。The 10 billionth song was downloaded from Apple's iTunes Wednesday, 7 years after the launch of the online store, read an online counter at the Apple website.

菲律宾卫生部长欧纳表示,世界上第70亿人口降生在菲律宾,也给了菲律宾一个审视人口问题的契机。Health Secretary Enrique Ona said the arrival of the world's seven billionth baby also presented the Philippines with an opportunity to assess population related issues.

但是经过上述实验后,两个钟表的时间差距不到十亿分之一秒,所以需要用两个非常精准的钟表。However, after the experiment described above the difference in time between the two clocks was less than a billionth of a second, which is why very accurate clocks were needed.

随后的1996年至2001年,它的盈收增长了几乎5倍,到1998年它成为世界最大规模的手机生厂商,2005年在尼日利亚卖出第10亿部手机。From 1996 to 2001 its revenues increased almost fivefold, and by 1998 it was the world's biggest mobile manufacturer. In 2005 it sold its billionth handset, an 1100 to a customer in Nigeria.

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它已经10年了1.2亿个婴儿在下巴,整整十年出生的是在这个国家出生的另外1亿人,一,人口增长速度减缓的迹象。It has been 10 years since the 1.2 billionth baby was born in Chins-a full decade for another 100 million people to be born in this country and a sign that population growth has slowed down.