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这些结果令人吃惊。These results are stunning.

你看上去直钩人心魂。You look absolutely stunning.

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绝对让人叹为观止管音!Absolutely stunning tube tone!

即便如此,结果令人震惊。Even so, the results are stunning.

你穿红衣服真漂亮。You look stunning in the red dress.

令人惊叹的镍不锈钢台面。Stunning Stainless Nickel Countertops.

他们的布景设计经常让人拍案叫绝。Their set designs are always stunning.

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如果你认为蒙娜莉莎的微笑精彩绝伦。If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning.

而中华龙鸟的羽毛结构甚至更为炫目。Sinosauropteryx was even more stunning.

它被包装在一个非常棒的彩色礼盒中。Supplied in a stunning colour gift box.

效果令人印象深刻,发人深省。The effect is impressionistic and stunning.

最新的视频游戏简直让人难以置信。The latest video games are simply stunning.

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她穿粉色、蓝色和黄色都很漂亮。She is stunning in pinks, blues and yellows.

BuzzWord在设计上是一个惊人的成就。BuzzWord is a stunning achievement in design.

以岁月为弦,赠你惊世情歌。In years for strings, give you stunning songs.

这第一张是最令人震惊的一张了。This first one is one of the most stunning yet.

还有谁能脱掉这套惊艳的礼服?Who else could pull off this stunning ensemble?

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这些花就像是兰花一样,非常漂亮。Flowers are like those of orchid, very stunning.

这个惊人的发现使得考古学家们感到非常的惊奇。The stunning find left archeologists astonished.

刺杀时过晕也是起因。Also caused by excessive stunning to sticking time.