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简选数学作为副修专业。Jane has a math minor.

大调和小调Okay. Major and minor.

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不要忽略枝节问题。Don't neglect minor issues.

这是一个小小的狡赖。But this is a minor quibble.

蒙古会是次要文明吗?。Will Mongols be a Minor civ?

他动不动就生点小病。He's prone to minor ailments.

不过这仅仅是小烦恼而已。But this is a minor annoyance.

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偶尔才使用小调Occasionally, minor is chosen.

你辅修什么课程?What were your minor subjects?

第一段是小和弦The first one is a minor chord.

小战在哪里打?Where are the minor wars fought?

能告诉我们你的辅修课目吗?Can you tell us about your minor?

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加里森本人受了轻伤。Garrison suffered minor injuries.

第一个是小迷。The first one is a minor mystery.

三段论中的小前提。The minor premise in a syllogism.

有一些细微的区别。There are some minor differences.

即便有,也不严重,-同上。Minor if at all. -Minor if at all.

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你的主修科目和辅修科目不重要。Your major and minor don't matter.

于是我想,还是改日重聘女声主唱吧。Maybe I'm just a man sings on minor.

因此对他们来说,这是小事一桩。So for them, this is a minor matter.