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此伤致孙23日晚吐血不止,送医院抢救无效后去世。He experienced severe hematemesis on July 23 and later died in hospital.

肝硬化患者在家中发生呕血怎么办?In patients with liver cirrhosis hematemesis occurred at home how to do?

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他有发烧和黄疸的症状,但是并没有吐血或血便的症状。He was febrile and jaundiced. However, no hematemesis or melena was noted.

一位三十三岁女性因为吐血及黑便而住院,病患曾因腹部穿刺伤在他院接受剖腹探查术。A 33-year-old woman was admitted due to hematemesis and passage of tarry stool.

出血可发生于被咬部位或粘膜,可见呕血,黑粪和血尿。Bleeding can occur in parts bitten or mucosa, that hematemesis , black excrement and urine.

第一例是一位12岁的男孩,临床上表现出因肝门脉高血压所引起的呕血症状。The first patient was a 12-year-old boy who presented with hematemesis due to portal hypertension.

用于热风伤阴、舌绛烦渴、发斑发疹、吐血、衄血、咽喉肿痛。Shangyin for hot air, tongue Jiang Fan Ke, a spot of the measles, hematemesis , Nvxue, throat swelling and pain.

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后来伴有吐血发生,此时X光显示中纵膈腔质块伴含有气液平面。The patient later suffered from hematemesis. The CXR revealed a middle mediastinal mass with an air-fluid level.

也有部分患者表现为肝硬化的一些并发症,如黑便、呕血。There are also some patients with liver cirrhosis showed a number of complications, such as melena , hematemesis.

一位四十岁男性在腹部不舒服之后几天开始吐血及呈现休克状态。A 40 -year-old male presented with severe hematemesis and shock status after several days of abdominal discomfort.

超强悍的SLG类型的小游戏,各职业的属性非常鲜明,吐血推荐!Super SLG intrepid types of small game, the professional attributes of a very distinctive, hematemesis recommended!

我们在此报导一个四十八岁的男性,发烧一个月,腹痛10天,吐血一天。We report a 48-year-old male patient who had a fever for 1 month, abdominal pain for 10 days and hematemesis for 1 day.

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一位六十一岁男性病人因阵发性便血、吐血及左上腹痛而入院。A 61-year-old male presented with intermittent tarry stool and hematemesis which was associated with left epigastralgia.

虽然我不能肯定呕血是否由静脉曲张还是因为其他可能患过的胃炎而引起,但我同意这个诊断。I agree with that although I'm not sure whether the hematemesis is on the basis of the varices or perhaps some gastritis that he might have had.

唐容川所指补虚主要指补血,并明确指出此补虚之法并非仅适用于吐血证,而是通治血证之大法,因而是统论补血之法。This principle, clearly indicated by Tang, mainly referring blood, is not only applicable to hematemesis but also to all kinds of blood syndromes in TCM.

生藕性寒,甘凉入胃,能清热润肺、消瘀凉血、清烦热、止呕渴,适用于烦渴、酒醉、咳血、吐血等症。Health lotus cold, Gan Liang Abdominal, can heat lungs, Xiaoyu cooling blood, the Qing Fan Re, vomiting thirst for polydipsia, drunk, hemoptysis, hematemesis embolism.

术后密切观察患者生命体征,进食情况,腹痛腹胀,恶心呕吐,是否有呕血及黑便。After operation, we closely observe the vital signs, eating situation, abdominal pain and abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting, whether hematemesis and melena of patients.