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与喇嘛相处愉快。Bill and Loden Lama.

鞑莱喇嘛是什么宗教?What religion is the Dalai Lama?

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我在马来西亚遇到一个喇嘛。I met a Lama in Kempas, Malaysia.

事实是达赖喇嘛本身就是一个奴隶主。The fact is Dalai Lama is a slaveholder.

对达赖喇嘛你可以有很多评价。You can say many things about Dalai Lama.

中国因当停止对达赖喇嘛的妖魔化。China must stop demonizing the Dalai Lama.

比尔.盖兹,奥普拉.温夫蕾和达赖喇嘛。Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and the Dalai Lama.

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因此,十三世达赖喇嘛是饶有兴味的。Therefore the 13th Dalai Lama was interesting.

我要带大家去参观雍和宫。I want to take you all to visit the Lama Temple.

但班禅自己并不这么认为。However, their own Panchen Lama did not think so.

敬拜一个被由达赖喇嘛定义为恶魔的神。Revering a god considered a demon by the Dalai Lama.

周日我要和一个朋友一起去喇嘛庙。On Sunday I’m going to the Lama Temple with a friend.

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如果你不太忙,咱们可以去雍和宫。If you are not too busy, we could go to the Lama Temple.

在开放和满足之情中,发现上师就在我心中。In openness and contentment I found the Lama in my heart.

中国政府在中国选定他自己的班禅喇嘛。China's government selected its own Panchen Lama in China.

当提到这个问题时,达赖喇嘛突然好像很不舒服。And when that came up, the Dalai Lama suddenly seemed uneasy.

美元喇嘛和他的CIA暴徒正在失败中,走向绝望中。Dollar Lama and his CIA goons are losing and getting desperate.

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祈愿大法会的主持人改由桑浦寺或噶玛派的喇嘛担任。Prayer Dafa will host over by Sang Phu or Karma Lama as a faction.

下任达赖喇嘛位置的空缺也能够被证明是危险的。An interregnum could prove perilous for the next Dalai Lama as well.

所以我们就去找雍敦绰嘉喇嘛,来到了雅砻河谷的阔波。So we set out to find Lama Yungton and arrived at Kyorpo in Yarlung.