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早餐后,那小家伙从口袋里拿出一个弓单弓来。After breakfast the kid took a slingshot outofhis pocket.

如同一把弹弓,拉的越紧,射的越远。It's like a slingshot -- the harder you pull, the more propulsion you generate.

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今天,我做了一个彩色的梦,梦见我用弹弓打下一只红色的鸟。Today, I dreamed a colourful dream, I dreamed I shot a red bird by a slingshot.

一把巨型弹弓被装上子弹并发射,将一颗投掷物笔直射向墙壁。A giant slingshot is loaded and released, sending a missile straight at the walls.

如果第三颗恒星冒险与它们距离过近,恶霸双星会像弹弓一样抛出这个恒星。If a third star ventures too close, the bully binary flings it clear like a slingshot.

他用以攻击歌利亚的武器是一个弹弓和一把竹杖,因为这就是他牧羊用的工具。He came at Goliath with a slingshot and staff because those were the tools of his trade.

我让哈桑坐在"病玉米之墙",拿弹弓用小圆石射他们的骆驼的屁股。I'd make Hassan sit on the Wall of Ailing Corn and fire pebbles with his slingshot at the camels' rears.

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作为驱魔人的你,用你引以为傲的弹弓和巫术去消灭在那院落中的鬼怪。Exorcist people as you, with your proud slingshot and sorcery to eliminate in the courtyard of the ghosts.

在利用激光弹弓的是,它能够发射一个小型蔓延的射弹或BB的一个目标。The advantage of the Laser Slingshot is that it is capable of firing a small spread of projectiles or BB's at a target.

单行线的出现意味着在隧道里驱车游览不必再像离弦的箭一样快速通过。But the advent of one-way traffic means that a trip through the tunnel is no longer like being flung by a giant slingshot.

在树上玩的时候,有时我会让哈桑用他的弹弓将胡桃射向邻居家那只独眼的德国牧羊犬。Sometimes, up in those trees, I talked Hassan into firing walnuts with his slingshot at the neighbor's one-eyed German shepherd.

愤怒的小鸟游戏的玩法很简单,将弹弓上的小鸟弹出去,砸到绿色的肥猪,将肥猪全部砸到就能过关。Angry bird game play is simple, the slingshot to pop up on the bird, hit the green pig, the pig will be able to pass all the hit.

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主要任务完成以后,“旅行者”将海王星的引力转变为天体弹弓,迅速飞向无穷远的会合点。Its main mission completed, Voyager turned Neptune's gravitational force into a celestial slingshot and sped toward a rendezvous with infinity.

最近,墨西哥军方就查获了一种能像打弹弓一样将毒品包送入美国的“仿古抛射器”。Recently, the Mexican military to fight confiscated as a slingshot to package the drugs into the United States as the "antique ejection device."

达尔文回国后仅仅几年,,胡克就开始了自己的冒险之旅,乘坐埃里布斯与恐怖号勘察船开始踏上去往南极洲那雄心勃勃的征程。Only a few years after Darwin's return, Hooker was off on his own adventures, an ambitious slingshot around Antarctica aboard HMS Erebus and Terror.

吴王恰好也来到这里,看到年轻人的衣服都湿透了,而他似乎一点都没有察觉,还举着弹弓在瞄准什么。The king happened to come and saw the young man's clothes wet through, but the young man seemed unconscious of that, aiming at something with a slingshot.

他特别提到,有一天,发射愤怒的小鸟,摧毁肥猪堡垒的弹弓,它们也会像Pong一样,成为历史。One that he mentions, which will be as quaint as Pong some day, features the use of a slingshot to launch angry birds to destroy pigs and their fortresses.

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从佛罗里达起飞后不久,LCROSS利用重力将自身弹射入一更大的绕地轨道,最终将从那里撞向月球。Soon after taking off from Florida, LCROSS used gravity to slingshot itself into a wide orbit around the Earth that would eventually coincide with the moon.

以拉谷地是古腓力斯国派出他们的英雄歌力亚恐吓以色列人的地方,在这里,年轻的大卫王用自己可靠的弹弓击倒了巨人歌力亚。The valley of Elah is where the Philistines sent out their Goliath to terrify the Israelites, and where young David felled the giant with his trusty slingshot.

ronde类似于,某种弹弓,巴黎的顽童们用他们的弹弓"袭击",那些驾着马车穿过巴黎泥泞街道的人们A fronde was a kind of a slingshot that Paris street urchins used to shoot fancy people with rocks as they rode their carriages through the muddy streets of Paris.