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粮食满仓。The granary is bursting with grain.

一个新谷仓在乡村建造起来。A new granary was built in the village.

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中西部是美国的粮仓。The Mid-West is the granary of the U.S.

中西部是美国的粮仓。The Mid-West is the granary of the U. S.

西部是这个国家的粮仓。The West is the granary of this country.

你无忧无虑地坐在打麦场上Thee sitting careless on a granary floor

这个石头教堂被作为一个粮仓使用。The stone cathedral was used as a granary.

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这里是国韵天下的大粮仓。Here is the kingdom under great charm granary.

荒滩变成米粮川。Large tracts of wasteland have become a granary.

妈妈,告诉我,您在粮仓里遇到了什么?Mamma, tell us what happened to you in the granary?

也因此,松嫩平原成为中国的大粮仓之一。Because of this, Songnen Plain, one of China's major granary.

这是一座又高又大的房子,旁边有一个很大的谷仓,门上挂着一把大铁锁。This was a big house and at the side was built a granary with a big padlock.

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最近从事清朝仓廪制度研究的学者已经激发了浓厚的兴趣。Recent scholarship on the Qing granary system has excited considerable interest.

乌干达可耕地占东非地区的一半,因而可以成为该地区的粮仓。Uganda has half of East Africa’s arable land and could become the granary of the region.

每次旅行都有低潮,我们的低潮是在贝奥斯,这里是有名的法兰西谷仓。Every journey has its low point, and ours was the granary of France, known as the Beauce.

每个月我将会用光我的薪水,而且每年我将会在我的谷仓中吃光玉黍蜀。Every month I will use up my salary, and each year I will eat up the corns in my granary.

河水泛滥带来了泥沙,万物得以生长埃及就这样成了古代世界的粮仓。With the flood came the life-giving mud that made Egypt the granary of the ancient world.

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全部人赞同如果那个箱子可以被推去乡村,它可当成一个安全的谷仓。All agreed that if the box could be pushed to the village, it could serve as a safe granary.

当政府介入之后,常平仓贮其实成了政治仓贮。When the government steps in, the ever-normal granary becomes in fact an ever-political granary.

河西走廊被誉为甘肃的粮仓和全国的商品粮基地之一。Hexi corridor was named one of the commodity grain base in China and granary bam of Gansu province.