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奖学金是他们的专利。They monopolise the scholarships.

首先,广告垄断消费者注意力的力量从未减弱。First, its power to monopolise attention is undiminished.

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所以,资讯如水,谁能垄断?Therefore, when information becomes like water, can anyone monopolise it?

你还可以试图垄断未来,以支配现在。You can also seek to monopolise thefuture as a way of dominating the present.

当然大城市并不占尽建筑风采或名胜古迹之风雅。The large cities are of course do not have a monopolise on architectural or historical monuments.

在鲁尼并不在最佳状态时,英格兰依然可以踢得卓有成效和冷酷无情。For once Rooney did not have to monopolise the stage as England played efficiently and ruthlessly.

质量是作为欧洲企业文化的代表观点,我们没有任何理由让其他国家独霸。Quality is representative of a culture which we Europeans have no reason to let others monopolise.

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我们已经知道,家境好的家长更倾向于私立学校,并垄断了教学质量最好的公立学校。We already know that better-off parents are more likely to access private schools and to monopolise the highest-performing state schools.

麦克克里斯托将军命令其战士“与那些垄断财富和权力、滥用人们信任且自私自利的官员作斗争”。General McChrystal’s directive tells soldiers to “confront self-serving officials who monopolise wealth and power and abuse people’s trust”.

在很短的时间内人们就创造了大量的财富,尽管这财富的最大一份仍属于那些垄断政治权力的人以及他们的亲友。Fortunes were made in a remarkably short time, though the largest still accrue to those who monopolise political power, their friends and relations.

这使嫉妒他的同伙,他们都感到非常无担保,由他的财富,他将独占生意一天与他的钱。This brought the jealousy of his associates who felt very unsecured by his affluence that he would monopolise their business one day with his money.

学术职业的权力是学术人在控制和垄断高深知识过程中形成的,是学术人在学术活动中的一种特权。The power of academic profession is a kind of privilege formed during the process in which the academicians control and monopolise advanced knowledge.

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法律寡头政治现在所主张的是要垄断法律知识,要对决定争论所依据的各项原则有独占的权利。What the juristical oligarchy now claims is to monopolise the knowledge of the laws, to have the exclusive possession of the principles by which quarrels are decided.

诚然,布拉德·皮特、妮可·基德曼和安吉丽娜·茱莉们垄断了八卦周刊的聚光灯,但论及银行的收支状况,与哈里森·福特相比,这些新闻媒体的宠儿就显得相形见绌了。The likes of Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie may monopolise the media spotlight, but judged in terms of bank balance alone, they pale into insignificance when compared with Harrison Ford.