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詹姆逊自己也提醒我们这其中的危险。Jameson himself reminds us of the dangers.

一位温文尔雅名叫约翰•詹姆森的老绅士。A courtly old gentleman named john jameson.

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在游戏中,演员尼克·詹姆森为凯尔配音。In the game, Kyle was voiced by actor Nick Jameson.

詹姆森博士成为讨论会上引人注目的中心人物。Dr. Jameson became the centre of attraction at the seminar.

除了福特以外,只有一个人认识朱莉娅娅·詹姆森。There was only one person besides Ford who knew Julia Jameson.

詹姆逊是美国新马克思主义思潮的主要理论代表。Jameson is a major representative of American new-Marxism trend.

贝蒂詹姆森是另一名女子在体育世界的重要。Betty Jameson was another woman important in the world of sports.

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贝蒂.詹姆森于2009年去逝,享年89岁。Betty Jameson died in two thousand nine. She was eighty-nine years old.

廓清詹明信的后现代理论的旨趣,具有重要的学术意义。Therefore it has the academic value to clarify Jameson 's postmodern theory.

如詹姆逊或布什米尔斯爱尔兰威士忌可以添加到您的爱尔兰捻冲床。Irish whiskey such as Jameson or Bushmills can add an Irish twist to your punch.

詹姆森先生,让我为你介绍剑桥研究中心的主任吉布森先生。Mr. Jameson , allow me to introduce Mr. Gibson, director of Cambridge Research Center.

1895年詹姆森企图煽动这些外国人推翻布尔人政府。In 1895 Leander Starr Jameson attempted to incite them to overthrow the Boer government.

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同时,对弗洛伊德和拉康的精神分析理论进行了比较重要的修正。At the same time, Jameson made some essential changes to Freud and Laocoon's psychoanalysis.

伊丽莎白.詹姆森于1919年出生在俄克拉荷马州诺曼,但在德克萨斯州的达拉斯长大,她擅长体育运动,并获得了多项体育比赛。Elizabeth Jameson was born in nineteen nineteen in Norman, Oklahoma. She grew up in Dallas, Texas.

无论如何,这就是,詹姆逊理解中解读的政治层面上的浪漫元素。Anyway, that's the romance element of the political level of interpretation as understood by Jameson.

接着,我们又考察了詹明信著名的“政治无意识”理论。Then, we review Jameson"s well-known concept "the political unconscious" which origins from Sigmund Freud.

弗雷德里克·詹姆逊是当代西方最为重要的马克思主义理论家及后现代理论家之一。Frederic. Jameson is the one of the most crucial figures in contemporary Marxist and post-modern theorists.

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詹姆逊的大众文化理论则揭示了文化与资本运作之间的内在联系。In the mass culture theory, Jameson subtly delineates the inner laws between culture and capital operation.

贝蒂杰姆逊在仪式上被确认为一个组织的五十强选手和教师。During the ceremony Betty Jameson was recognized as one of the organization's top fifty players and teachers.

面对来自语言学等其他流派对经典历史主义提出的挑战,詹姆逊表现出理论的胆略和远见。With the challenge to classical history from Linguistics and other theories, Jameson did his best to cope with.