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所以吃些粗茶淡饭、适量饮食。So eat simply and moderately.

保持简单和适度的价格。Keep it simple and moderately priced.

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颈部是坚强有力的中度拱形。The neck is strong and moderately arched.

适当宽些并略呈球形。Skull is moderately broad and slightly domed.

本研究所建立的径路模式适配度尚称理想。The path model moderately fitted the observed data.

味觉上能感受到中度的蜂蜜香和轻微的辛辣味。The palate is moderately honeyed and tenderly spicy.

在接下来的两天,他说,她适度地喝点酒。Over the next two days, he said, she drank moderately.

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中生演替的在一中等潮湿的环境里发生的。Originating in a moderately moist habitat. Used of a sere.

谦虚者适度地用这种方法点窜了模型。The modest man moderately modified the model in this mode.

该液对金属有中度至重度腐蚀。Its solution was moderately to severely corrosive to metals.

外层披毛直、粗硬且长度略短。Outer coat straight, coarse, and of moderately short length.

本组10例伴轻至中度网硬蛋白纤维增生现象。Reticulin fibres were mild to moderately increased in 10 cases.

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尾根位置高度适中,兴奋时,尾巴向上举。The tail is set moderately high and carried high in excitement.

七一二矿属缓倾斜铀矿床。The deposits of Mine No. 712 belong to the moderately inclined ones.

胸深适度,与肘部齐平,使胸腔有足够的空间。Chest moderately deep, extending to elbows allowing ample heart room.

在阳极极化中等程度的区域,有两条塔费尔直线。In the moderately polarized anodic region there were two Tafel regions.

同时,用适度的旺火加热大型不干锅。Meanwhile, heat a large nonstick frying pan over moderately high heat.

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将很多精力用于确定,可能性产出的合理范围。a lot of focus is on what is the range of moderately probable outcomes.

未修剪的被毛应该是长、较浓密、质地适度柔软。The untrimmed coat is long, rather dense and moderately soft in texture.

脖子富于肌肉,适度的拱型,可有适度赘肉。The neck is well muscled, moderately arched, and may have moderate dewlap.