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往锅里放一茶匙盐。Put a teaspoonful of salt into the pan.

吃了一堆和士的宁混在一起的迷幻药?Then add half a teaspoonful of strychnine.

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加一茶匙的糖和等量的盐。Add a teaspoonful of sugar and the same quantity of salt.

健康的土壤有益微生物在每个茶匙十亿美元。Healthy soil has billions of beneficial microbes in each teaspoonful.

用冷水或饮料加入一匙肌酸混匀饮用。Add 1 heaping teaspoonful daily to cold water or your favorite beverage.

若把一茶匙涕灭威洒在皮肤上,足以将一个成年人置于死地。One teaspoonful of aldicarb on the skin would be sufficient to kill an adult.

一茶匙中子星上的物质重达十亿吨。One teaspoonful of material from a neutron star would weigh a billion tonnes.

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她给汤姆服了一汤匙药,然后万分焦虑地等着结果。She gave Tom a teaspoonful and watched with the deepest anxiety for the result.

另一种是止咳药水,每次一茶匙,一天三次。The other medicine is for his cough. Gie him one teaspoonful three times a day.

另一种是止咳药水,每次一茶匙,一天三次。The other medicine is for his cough. Give him one teaspoonful three times a day.

每次一茶匙加蜂蜜、红糖和一杯凉开水调匀饮用。Mix one teaspoonful of powder with warm water, add honey or brown sugar to taste.

打蛋,连同一半的牛奶和四分之一的一茶匙盐一起倒入面粉中间。Break in the egg, pour in half of the milk and a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt.

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一茶匙的白矮星物质可以与地球上的一只大象等重——5.5吨。A teaspoonful of their matter would weigh as much on Earth as an elephant—5.5 tons.

用小汤勺取适量面糊放到备好的烤盘上,入烤箱烘焙22分钟。Place a teaspoonful of mixture onto the prepared baking tray and bake for 22 minutes.

尝一茶匙我岳母做的草萄酱就能完全满足你的果酱欲。A teaspoonful of my mother-in-law 's wild strawberry jam will entirely satisfy your jam desire.

患关节炎的人要是能忍受它的味道的话,可以每天喝放半匙姜黄的水。Anyone with arthritis who can stomach the taste can add half a teaspoonful to water and drink it daily.

比它密度再大的就只有黑洞了,只需要一勺匙中子星的质量就可以达到100万吨。The only things more dense are black holes, as a teaspoonful of neutron star matter would weigh about 100 million tons.

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每两小时喝一匙加了几滴姜黄的有机蜂蜜,这样可以减轻咽喉肿痛和流感等病症。Take a teaspoonful of organic honey with a sprinkling of turmeric every two hours to ease sore throats or for colds and flu.

弗兰兹惟一的回答就是舀起了一匙那种神妙的药剂,份量约莫和他的主人所吃的差不多,把它送到嘴边。Franz's only reply was to take a teaspoonful of the marvellous preparation, about as much in quantity as his host had eaten, and lift it to his mouth.