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目的观察补锌对急性冷应激大鼠ACTH分泌及小鼠耐寒力的影响。AIM To study the effects of zinc on ACTH secretion and cold endurance in animals.

目的分析和探讨垂体ACTH腺瘤的诊断和治疗。Objective To analysis and discus the diagnosis and treatment of pituitary ACTH adenoma.

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目的探讨不同血糖水平腹型肥胖患者血清皮质醇、ACTH水平及其与瘦素、血糖的相关性。To evaluate the abnormalities of serum cortisol and ACTH in patients with central obesity of different serum glucose.

从牛,猪,羊垂体腺制取的促肾上腺皮质激素用来治疗关节炎,白血病和风湿。Acth from the pituitary glands of cattle hogs and sheep is used in the treatment of arthritis leukemia and rheumatism.

方法对85例汉族雄激素过多症患者及14名健康女性进行卵泡期ACTH兴奋试验。Methods ACTH stimulating test was performed in 85 female cases with androgen excess and 14 healthy women during the follicular phase.

身体的主时钟基础状态下激活另外一种激素刺激由脑垂体释放ACTH。The release of ACTH by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain is driven by a third hormone that is activated by the body's master clock.

2003年在墨尔本皇家理工大学完成银行金融学文凭,同时在ACTH高等专科学院完成商业烹饪的技术文凭。Finished a diploma of Banking and Finance at RMIT University 2003, at the same time obtained a Certificate of Commercial Cookery at ACTH College.

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最后并将此实验的结果联系脑垂体前叶ACTH的分泌机制及组织疗法的功效加以讨论。The possible role of this factor in the regulation of anterior pituitary secretion of ACTH in stress and in clinical tissue-therapy is discussed.

促肾上腺皮质激素缺乏、大剂量氢化可的松替代治疗和放疗是肢端肥大症患者死亡率的独立预测因素。ACTH deficiency, higher doses of hydrocortisone replacement, and radiotherapy are independent predictors of mortality in patients with acromegaly.

促肾上腺皮质激素缺乏、大剂量氢化可的松替代治疗和放疗是肢端肥大症患者死亡率的独立预测因素。ACTH deficiency, higher doses of hydrocortisone replacement, and radiotherapy are independent predictors of mortality in patients with acromegaly.

当前的临床病例显示出即使很少见,在诊断把握度较低的病例中,异位的ACTH分泌也应当被考虑。The present clinical case shows that even if rare, the ectopic ACTH secretion should be considered also in those cases where the pretest probability is low.

二级肾上腺功能减退,或者称为促肾上腺皮质激素缺乏,是由于脑垂体的疾病引起的,导致肾上腺疾病是其副效应。Secondary hypoadrenalism, or ACTH deficiency hypoadrenalism, is caused by diseases of the pituitary gland, which lead to adrenal failure as a secondary effect.

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用放免法检测肾上腺皮质增生症患者血浆ACTH的浓度,并与肾上腺皮质组织中局部表达ACTH的水平进行相关性分析。The correlation between plasma ACTH concentration and expression level of ACTH in adrenal cortical tissue of patients with adrenal cortical hyperplasia was studied.

与对喂组比较,缺锌组大鼠血液中皮质醇含量显著升高,而血液ACTH浓度以及大脑皮质NO合酶活性明显降低。Compared with PF rats, serum cortisol concentration in ZD ones was significantly increased, whereas serum ACTH concentration and cerebrum NOS activity were significantly decreased.

在治疗前PSD组及在治疗后的PSD抗抑郁治疗组和PSD无抗抑郁治疗组中,HAMD评分与血清ACTH水平呈显著性正相关。There were significantly positive correlation in the level of ACTH and the scores of HAMD in PSD group before treatment, also in PSD group with or without antidepressant treatment after treatment.

对大鼠施行为期30天的物理性应激后,定量分析了其垂体前叶ACTH细胞及肾上腺皮质束状带细胞的超微结构。The ultrastructure of ACTH cells of the anterior pituitary and zona fasciculata cells of the adrenal glands in 30-day physic stressed rats was analyzed with respect to their physiological functions.