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你有强迫症?。You have ocd?

早发型和晚发型的OCD可能具有不同的发病机制。Early-onset and late-onset OCD may have different etiology.

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强迫症患者倍感强迫来重复一系列行为,如重复洗手。OCD patients feel compelled to repeat behaviours such as washing their hands.

如果给强迫症患者同样把规则反着来,他们的行为跟安娜没什么区别。When OCD patients are given the same rule-changing task they act in the same way.

例如森田疗法就主要阐述了造成强迫症的精神层面原因。Morita therapy for example, elaborated on the main cause of OCD spiritual reasons.

我会把它归类为强迫性神经失调,比起上瘾跟像是一种挥之不去的情结或者冲动。I would classify it as OCD -- more of an obsession or compulsion than an addiction.

逼迫症援助,望文生义是指对逼迫症的患者的帮助。Obsessive-compulsive disorder sustainand by definition refers to the help of OCD patients.

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对于具有多个微处理器核的片上系统而言,片上调试技术面临新的挑战。As SoCs with multiple microprocessor cores are concerned, the OCD technique faces new challenges.

此外,舒缓的想象不会与强迫症的任何感知特征联系在一起,例如完美主义。Moreover, ease of imagination wasn't linked with any cognitive features of OCD such as perfectionism.

假如你或你的伴侣经常因为强迫症或抽筋无法集中精力在性生活上呢?What if you or your partner cannot focus on sex frequently because their OCD or tics are too distracting?

结论DRD2基因和COMT基因可能与不同发病年龄的强迫症病因相关。Conclusion The results suggested DRD2 gene and COMT gene may be associated with OCD in different onset ages.

方法按照钟友彬教授认识领悟疗法的原理、方法和步骤,对患者实施认识领悟治疗,不用任何药物。Methods According to the methods of Professor Zhong Youbin's to treat the OCD patients and do not use any drug.

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在这次测试当中,17名男性患者和13名女性患者被给定开始和结局各种担忧的情况。Seventeen men and thirteen women with OCD were presented with the beginnings and endings of various feared scenarios.

这又产生一个问题,即是否可能和处理OCD一样,用病理学方式来“处治”这种浪漫状态。That raises the question of whether it is possible to “treat” this romantic state clinically, as can be done with OCD.

当碎片或软骨碎片位于关节内导致病变时,这种情况就被称为“分离性骨软骨炎”。When fragments or cartilage flaps develop within the joint, the lesion is then called osteochondrosis dessicans or OCD.

目的探讨改良家庭式森田疗法对强迫症的治疗效果。In order to investigate the improved Hospital type Morita Therapy for OCD treatment effect, Morita therapy for OCD is adopted.

结论PWI能定量分析OCD症状诱发前后脑血流动力学改变。Conclusion PWI can provide quantitative information of the cerebral hemodynamics with symptom provocation in patients with OCD.

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采用明尼苏达多相人格测定问卷对54例强迫症患者和43例正常人进行测评比较。Methods 54 OCD patients and 43 normal controls were assessed and compared with the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

目的探讨认识领悟疗法对强迫性注意障碍的治疗作用。Objective To study the efficacy of Zhong Youbin's psychoanalytic therapy in the treatment of patients with attentive disorders of OCD.

从咬指甲到过度洗手,暴饮暴食,沉迷网络,强迫性神经官能障碍在每个工作单位和无数家庭中都随处可见。From nail-biting to too much hand-washing, overeating and internet addiction, OCD is widespread in almost every workplace and countless home.