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世人对它大加嘲笑,有时甚至因它把人送上断头台。The world mocks at it, and sometimes puts one in the pillory of it.

那些看起来有罪的人会从法庭上被直接拉出去示众吗?Will those found guilty be dragged straight from the court to the pillory?

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这是供你消遣的小说,而非格雷夫斯先生文学批判的对象!This is a story for your pleasure and not a candidate for Mr. Graves' literary pillory !

这个世界不理解这一点,而只是嘲讽它,有时还因为它而给人带上镣铐。That it should be so the world does not understand. The world mocks it and sometimes puts one in the pillory for it.

据说,示众现场的群众并没有像往常一样投掷有害和腐烂的东西,那么朝他投掷的是什么东西呢?According to legend, what did Defoe's pillory audience throw at him instead of the customary harmful and noxious objects?

由于神圣的大厦中挤得人山人海,再也无法容纳新的听讲人,她只好在紧靠刑台的地方占了个位置。As the sacred edifice was too much thronged to admit another auditor, she took up her position close beside the scaffold of the pillory.

除非这些人交回两倍于他们收到的薪金,花一周时间示众,否则这事没完。Even if all these people gave back double the amount they received and spent the week in the public pillory , it wouldn't fix the problem.

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她几乎和印第安人一样,以不屑的态度批评牧师的丝带、法官的黑袍、颈手枷、绞刑架、家庭或教会。Criticising all with hardly more reverence than the indian would feel for the clerical band the judicial robe the pillory the gallows the fireside or the church.

而由示众向戏剧的转化,更是集中体现了“看”的意向性转化,折射出一种社会心理与创作心理。Meanwhile, the transformation from pillory to drama incarnates the intention transformation of watch. Thus, it reflects some kind of mood of the writer and the society.

无论如何,这座示众刑台成了一个了望点,在海丝特·白兰面前展现山自从她幸福的童年以来的全都轨迹。Be that as it might, the scaffold of the pillory was a point of view that revealed to Hester Prynne the entire track along which she had been treading, since her happy infancy.

当国际社会对理工科毕业生的数量和质量表示关注的时候,我们不能总是当众侮辱所得到的结果。At a time when there is international concern about the number and quality of science graduates, we cannot afford to pillory schools that are getting results, irrespective of sector.