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如何对文件系统进行碎片整理?How can I defragment a file system?

如何监测碎片整理操作How to monitor the defragment operation

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碎片整理操作是在线操作。The defragment operation is an online operation.

这些工具包括压缩、打包、收缩、和碎片整理。These tools include compression, pack, shrink, and defragment.

你也应该整理你系统的页面文件和注册表。You should also defragment your Windows pagefile and registry.

注意,在每个数据库空间上只允许同时进行一个碎片整理操作。Note that only one defragment operation per dbspace is currently allowed.

您可以使用这个工具来整理单个的文件或者整个文件系统。You can use the tool to defragment individual files or an entire file system.

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对于每次碎片整理,在碎片整理启动时,都会相应地在在线日志中出现一个消息。For each defragment. a message appears in the online log at the start of defragmentation.

有不少方法都值得一试,比如进行一次磁盘碎片整理或者去买更大的内存。There are many ways to do this, such as doing a hard drive defragment or by buying more RAM.

一开始,磁碟重整是一定要的,但是另人惊讶的是很少人会定期这样做。For a start, defragment should go without saying, but it is surprising how few people do this regularly.

如果在相同分区中已经存在以下操作,则碎片整理操作中止The defragment operation aborts if one of the following operations is already occurring on the same partition

你知道我们需要定期清理电脑吧?有时候,人脑也需要清理清理。You know how you have to "defragment" your computer? Well, sometimes our brains need some defragmenting, too!

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安全清理注册表垃圾,契约登记大幅膨胀和重组整个注册表以便达到最高的效能。Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragment the whole registry for maximum performance.

高速磁盘进行碎片整理磁盘碎片整理功能的硬盘高达10倍的速度比其他碎片整理工具。High-speed Disk Defrag function to defragment hard drives up to 10 times faster than other defragmentation tools.

我会定期整理磁盘碎片、打扫注册表,清理临时文件,但我的电脑仍然很慢。I regularly defragment the hard disk, tweak the registry, and clean out temporary files, but my PC is still slow.

在磁盘分析完成后,弹出一个对话框,让您知道是否应该整理分析过的驱动器。After the disk is analyzed, a dialog box appears letting you know whether you should defragment the analyzed drives.

必须在已启动碎片整理程序的分区上运行该命令,来查看正在进行的碎片整理操作。This command must be run while the defragmenter is active on a partition to show the defragment operation in progress.

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在磁盘碎片整理程序对话框中,单击你要整理的驱动器,然后点击分析按钮。In the Disk Defragmenter dialog box, click the drives that you want to defragment and then click the Analyze disk button.

那就请chkdsk和defrag双剑合壁,为你的硬盘驱动器做个检查吧,并且,经碎片整理之后,文档能更好的保存。Use the dynamic duo of chkdsk and defrag to check your hard disks for errors and defragment files to keep your storage in good shape.

第一次有可能同时进行碎片整理硬盘和分区,只需右击单文件夹或文件。For the first time it's possible to defragment single folders or files along with hard disks and partitions, simply , by right-clicking.