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没工作了,或者整天卧床不起?Lost your job, or bedridden for days?

他也因此长达四个月卧床不起。He had been bedridden for four months.

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病人梦见吃白糖,会长卧床不起。Patients dreamed eating sugar, president of bedridden.

随后,杰克逊三周卧床不起,但最终得以康复。He was bedridden for three weeks, but ultimately healed.

她虽是缠绵病榻的人,但对生活依然抱乐观态度。Though a bedridden invalid, she remains optimistic about life.

她丈夫的敌人,卧病在床的约尔科国王珀利阿斯也要经历这一过程。Her husband’s enemy, the elderly and bedridden King Pelias, is next.

他身患痼疾,常年缠绵病榻。He's bedridden throughout the year with a lingering, obstinate disease.

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他俨然已经卧病不起了,而我仍是那个需要默默承受住这一切,并保持坚强的人。He was bedridden. I still had to be the strong one and keep everything in.

在他卧床铺不起之前,他决定到夏威夷去。高高兴兴地度过他已不多的时光。Before he became bedridden , he decided to go to Hawaii and enjoy his time in Luxury.

游戏一开始的画面,会出现久病的患者、1918年西班牙大流感死者的墓地。The game begins with images of bedridden patients and graveyards from the 1918 Spanish flu.

家有长期卧床的瘫痪老人,最怕的就是发生褥疮。Families with long-term bedridden individuals most fear the onset of bedsores in the patient.

健康教育路径对预防骨科卧床病人便秘的临床研究。Study on health eduction route to prevent coprostasis for bedridden patients in orthopaedics.

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赫瑞德女士承认怀孕令她感到“不适”,导致她数周卧床不起。Mrs Herald admits being pregnant is "uncomfortable" and leaves her bedridden for weeks on end.

就在二个多月前,曾母收养了一只流浪猫阿咪,希望小猫能陪伴卧病在床的儿子。About two months ago, Mrs. Zeng took in a stray cat, Amy, as a companion for her bedridden son.

另一间办公室里有如何帮助卧病在床的穆斯林进行祈祷的指南。A wall in another office offered instructions on the Muslim way to help a bedridden patient pray.

但不同于卧床不起的人或航天员,这些冬眠的黑熊们不会丧失其肌肉强健度或骨骼质量。But unlike bedridden or spacefaring people, the hibernators don't lose their muscle strength or bone mass.

遭此打击的刘先生“心灰意冷”,郁闷的他在家休养了一个星期,整天卧床不起。Have been hit Mr. Liu" downhearted", depressing him to rest at home for a week, day be completely bedridden.

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妈妈患病卧床不起,狗蛋每天都到山上砍了柴,挑到城里卖掉,再去买回药和食物。Sick bedridden mother, dog eggs every day to cut firewood hill, pick to town to sell, go buy medicine and food.

所有患者均卧床不起,一个主要的感染的危险因子,但是患者在研究起始时没有显著的感染。All patients were bedridden , a major risk factor for infection, but had no significant infection on study entry.

她已经因病卧床不起超过一个月了,当爱德华弯下腰来吻她的面颊时,她又开始咳嗽起来。She'd been bedridden for more than a month, and just as Edward bent down to kiss her cheek, another coughing fit took her.