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王先生是哪里人?Wo kommt Herr Wang her?

我们可以用C调么Well.Could youcould wo do C?

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你还想。要点甜的东西吗?Wo. uld you like anything else?

可爱的西风!为何伤感?Sweet Zephyr ! why that sound of wo?

接收工单并在维修部内的执行。Receive and carry out WO in repair team.

我们订购经文送给慕道友。Wo order scriptures to give our investigators.

谁第一个有月球上留下人类的足迹?Wo marked the first human footstep on the moon?

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由于谷禾一般都是一年一熟。Wo Valley are generally due to a one-year cooked.

乘黄坑至太平龙湾的公共汽车途经鸸鹋生态园。Wo to peaceful means of a bus Emu Ecological Garden.

顺和实业公司1991年成立于香港。Shun Wo Company was established in Hong Kong in 1991.

密切监督生产工单的执行和完成情况。Have close monitor on the WO implementation and output.

可由荣福中心及和泰街前往。It is accessible from Wing Fok Centre and Wo Tai Street.

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田野波尔卡玛祖卡舞曲,作品239,“歌声响起的地方”Polka mazurka champetre, Op. 239, Wo klingen die Lieder.

柴夔,太和中登进士第。诗一首。Cai Kui, Tai Wo Tang Scholars in the first. Write a poem.

当别人要说话的时候起哄是很无礼的。Heckling is disrespectful to the person wo is trying to talk.

沵的背影、在硪脑海里卟停的徘徊。Multitudinous of the back, in stop porphyrin Wo mind wandering.

我是用“禾润坊强力祛痘膏”3天就好的了!I am using the Run Square Wo strong acne cream 3 days like that!

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要学会预测自己会在哪一步跌倒,这样你就不会至于摔跟头。Be sure where your next step will fall, wo that you will not tumble.

为这个心比天高,梦想着在俗世中建立不朽的年轻人默哀吧。Wo for the high-souled youth, with his dream of Earthly Immortality!

这款酒的色泽呈禾杆黄色,具有桃子、蜂蜜、甘草的香气。This wine's color was yellow Wo bar, with peach, honey, licorice aroma.