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我不想让罗德因为我的回答而骄傲。I didn't want to dignify Rod with an answer.

我不认为你的菜豆建议值得考虑。I won't even dignify your navy bean suggestion.

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市长的光临为庆祝活动增辉。The mayor was there to dignify the celebrations.

仅仅通过粉刷房子不会给房子增添光彩。You won't dignify the house just by painting it.

我不想让罗德因为我的回答而骄傲。I am not going to dignify his behavior with a response.

我才不会理睬他的评论以抬高他的身价。I'm not going to dignify his comments by reacting to them.

别把他的愚蠢伪造美化为学术。Don't dignify his silly scratchings by calling it scholarship.

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在禁止类似的东西时候,只会提升他的重要性。When you ban something like this, you only dignify it with significance.

一些行话隐语怎样使得人们往日的基本交际显的尊贵是很有意思的一件事情。It's funny how a bit of jargonics can dignify an erstwhile base exercise.

别想把你脸上那几根毛说成是胡子来美化它!Don't try to dignify those few hairs on your face by calling them a beard!

你的评论简直不可理喻毫无智慧光芒。Your comment is simply stupid and does not dignify and intellectual response.

它不能使人活得更有尊严,不能提升人的精神生活。It does not dignify the human condition. It does not elevate the human spirit.

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在没有任何可以用来标榜功绩的规划实施并获得成效以前,他们都无法得到认可。It could never be that when there wasn't anything that you could dignify with the name of programme.

于是侍从们更加庄严地走着,好像他们真的拖着一件虽然并不存在的长袍。And the chamberlains walked with still greater dignify , as if they carried the train which did not exist.

哎,我讨厌用狗一般的姿态保护玛贝尔,这简直就是在贬低她的存在,助长这个城市讨伐猫咪的声音。Alas, I am loath to cheapen her existence and dignify the city’s anti-cat stance by creating a dog-like defense for her.

爱萌芽,源于彼此吸引。爱生长,源于相互尊重。爱开花,基于自信,尊贵。爱永生,归于睿智,高尚。Love starts as an attraction to another. Love grows with mutual respect. Love thrives on confidence and dignify . Love survives on wisdom and honor.

我不会抬举砂拉越峇当艾补选成绩,除了说砂拉越甚么都可以发生,以及政府不能持久严密监视。I will not dignify the Sarawak by-election with my comment except to say that in Sarawak anything goes, and the government cannot stand up to close scrutiny.

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的教训,迄今为止,美国,面对核讹诈,将弓下来,半岛台和坚定的暴君,交岔路口超过哄抢,和庆祝的过程中作为一个外交胜利。The lesson to date is that America, faced with nuclear blackmail, will bow down, dignify and fortify tyrants, fork over loot, and celebrate the process as a victory for diplomacy.

火狐狸站在她的肩上,更落了几丝别样媚色,拟化成只小白狗的银更是让她更添尊贵。The ruddy fox stands on her elbow and fell an variant Mei color of several silks more and drew up to become a small pearly the silver of the dog make her add more more to dignify.