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他是被雇来的职业杀手杀死的。D. He was killed by the hired gunmen.

有没有“第二梯队”的枪手卷入?Was there a “second team” of gunmen involved?

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枪手们以一阵弹雨向汽车扫射。The gunmen blasted the car with a hail of bullets.

一持枪者在伊拉克的塔勒阿法尔市杀死了70多个逊尼派教徒。Gunmen killed at least 70 Sunnis in Tal Afar in Iraq.

两名男子试图搭便车,随后,6名持枪者向他们走过来。Two men in that gold pick-up, six gunmen came up to them.

枪手逼迫施瑞恩·德瓦尼和司机下车。Gunmen forced Shrien Dewani and the driver from the vehicle.

在搜捕中,警察捕获了五名疑为贩毒集团成员的持枪歹徒。Police detained five alleged drug cartel gunmen in the raid.

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在到家半英里的地方遭到了塔利班武装分子的伏击。Half a mile from home the car was ambushed by Taliban gunmen.

枪手用装有消音器的枪向他的汽车射击。Gunmen equipped with silencers then riddled his car with bullets.

六名自杀式炸弹袭击者和人数不详的枪手潜入大楼里。Six suicide bombers made it inside and an unknown number of gunmen.

龙甘曼的办公室。他在给市高丽看作过标记的地图。The office of the LONE GUNMEN. They are showing SCULLY marked maps.

有了它,你再也不用为找不到强手求人了!With it, you no longer have to ask for help to find the gunmen had!

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据MENA报导,盖特表示,持枪分子躲在一辆“偷来的救护车”里。Aboul Gheit said the gunmen were inside a "stolen ambulance vehicle."

成千上万的巴勒斯坦人参加了在纳布卢斯为这三人举行的葬礼。Thousands of Palestinians attended the funeral of the gunmen in Nablus.

我们应当扪心自问,为什么在校园枪击案中,持枪歹徒几乎都是男性?Why, we should ask, are the gunmen in school massacres almost always male?

他说,枪手们向附近的一座楼房开火,射杀了几名居民。He said gunmen opened-fire into a nearby building, killing several residents.

持枪男子进来的时候我就在酒店的前厅,人们开始跑动。I was in the lobby of the hotel when gunmen came in and people started running.

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1984年,在伦敦的街上,利比亚持枪歹徒杀害了一名英国女警察。In 1984, Libyan gunmen murdered a British policewoman on the streets of London.

他们杀死了15个枪手而墨西哥游客就惊慌的躲在附近的房间里。They killed 15 of the gunmen as Mexican tourists cowered in their rooms nearby.

枪手先向其住宅投放燃烧弹,然后埋伏在附近,等到房子里的人外逃时,才开枪射击。Gunmen firebombed their house and lay in wait as they fled, before opening fire.