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谢谢,Christy,我终于写完了。Thank you, Christy. I'll get it eventually.

比如说克里斯蒂,完全和游戏人物对不上号,我几乎都没认出来。Like Christy could have been called anyone else and I wouldn't know.

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美联社的奎斯蒂·莱米尔称这部电影是“一头浮肿不堪疙、疙瘩瘩的巨兽”。Christy Lemire of the Associated Press calls it "a bloated, uneven behemoth."

协议规定克里斯蒂的滑稽说唱团有权演出福斯特写的每一首新歌。Foster also permitted Christy to name himself as the writer of the song Old Folks at Home.

1850年,福斯特与一个成功的滑稽说唱团的领导E.P。克里斯蒂签订了协议。In 1850 , Foster made an agreement with the leader of a successful minstrel group, E. P. Christy.

钟丽缇对酒店的用心接待感到很意外,也非常满意各方面的安排。Surprised at the treatment, Christy felt extremely satisfied with the hotel's careful arrangement.

克里斯蒂在一起使姐姐受伤的交通事故发生多年后回到故乡。Christy Zehetner returns to her hometown years after a car accident that disfigured her older sister.

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偏南西.克莉丝蒂被头痛折磨了大半辈子之后,终于约十五年前踏出了这一步。That's what Nancy Christy finally did about 15 years ago after suffering headaches for most of her life.

“当穷人坠入情网,他们便坚定了生活的方向。”来自洛杉矶的克里斯蒂与她的追随者们分享这个观点。"It's so life-affirming when the poor fall in love, " Christy from Los Angeles shares with her followers.

随着技术的进步,琼斯希望有更多妇科医生觉得可以向他们的病人推荐冷冻卵子。As technology improves, Christy Jones hopes that more OB-GYNs see fit to recommend egg freezing to their patients.

超级名模克里斯蒂·特林顿出生在美国的加利福尼亚,现年41岁的她是时尚圈公认的大美人。Christy Turlington was born in California, US. The 41-year-old Christy represents the unmatched standard in beauty in the fashion circle.

克里斯蒂旨在开创分级软件技术,以便识别游戏、运动、博弈环境下参与者的情绪。Christy is aiming to pioneer the classification software techniques that will allow players' emotions to be identified within the gaming environment.

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而Polo的理由是从约翰麦格劳和克里斯蒂马修森家的纽约巨人队的卡尔哈贝尔和Mel奥特的威利梅斯和利奥迪罗谢。The Polo Grounds was the home of the New York Giants from John McGraw and Christy Mathewson to Carl Hubbell and Mel Ott to Willie Mays and Leo Durocher.

2017年2月13日,钟丽缇现身上海,出席韩国艺匠婚纱摄影品牌举行的上海Ⅱ店开业发布会。In February 13 2017 Christy Chung appeared in Shanghai South Korea to attend the artisan wedding photography brand held in Shanghai II Conference opened shop.

最近英国当局禁播了由著名演员朱利亚罗伯茨和超模克里斯蒂特林顿代言的化妆品广告,理由是在广告中使用了一个叫做“airbrushing”的图像“磨皮”工具来优化所获得实际效果。Make-up advertisements featuring actor Julia Roberts and supermodel Christy Turlington have been banned in the UK because of their controversial use of 'airbrushing'.

彭博社报道说,分别由好莱坞明星朱丽叶罗伯茨和名模欧莱雅克莉丝蒂?杜灵顿代言的欧莱雅旗下品牌广告,在英国被禁止传播,原因是广告宣传不真实。Bloomberg reports that a series of L'Oreal advertisements featuring Hollywood star Julia Roberts and supermodel Christy Turlington have been banned in Britain for being overly airbrushed.

值此本周世行年会,世行行长罗伯特·佐利克亲切接见了模特克莉丝蒂·杜灵顿和女影星安妮·海瑟薇,就青春期女孩们的教育问题进行了亲切友好的会谈和交流。Timed for this week's annual meetings, Bank president Robert Zoellick is meeting today with model Christy Turlington and actress Anne Hathaway to discuss the education of adolescent girls.

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被众多一线女星例如托蒂・斯特拉和克里斯蒂・特林顿所宣扬的瑜伽可以锻炼身体这一理论所鼓舞,我们当中大约一百万的人现在都定期的参加瑜伽课程。Encouraged by A-listers such as Trudie Styler and Christy Turlington, who claim they owe their perfectly honed bodies to yoga, around half a million of us now regularly attend yoga classes.