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这次报告会是由科学院主办的。The lecture was given under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences.

在博尼的主持下,公司已发展到目前的水平。Under the auspices of Boni, the company has grown to its current level.

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本标准在特别技术小组34协助下由NACE国际发行。This standard is issued by NACE International under the auspices of STG 34.

“这些都是不祥之兆!”可怜的蕾妮叹息道。"These are mournful auspices to accompany a betrothal, " sighed poor Renée.

任何此类后续协定都将在联合国的主导下进行谈判。Any such successor will be negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations.

此签约典礼由国际和新加坡当地知名的酒吧及酒店经营者赞助。The ceremony was auspices by re-known international and local bartenders and hoteliers.

讲座由重庆大学副校长杨丹教授主持。The Lecture was auspices by the Chongqing University Vice-Chancellor Professor Yang Dan.

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我要送你一个老人,祝你家庭和睦大吉大利。I want to send you an old man, I wish you peace in the family the most favorable auspices.

会议是由北京奥林匹克转播公司承办的---该公司也就是大家知道的“BOB“。The meeting was held under the auspices of Beijing Olympic Broadcasting — also know as BOB.

同年,在他的主持下,又建立了皇家舞蹈学院。That same year, under the auspices of his and the establishment of a Royal Academy of Dance.

把病毒放在国际赞助的、被严密监视和向所有国家开放的联合国实验室中。Keep the virus under international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that's open to all countries.

在个人的主持下,北京,上海和其他城市举行了一系列有关的高级别会议。In individuals under the auspices of Beijing, Shanghai and other cities held a number of related high-level summit.

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这次会议也是上合组织倡导召开的首次阿富汗问题国际会议,中方高度重视。This is the first international conference on Afghanistan under the auspices of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

从技术层面来说,银行都由刘明康--中国银监会主席,统管。Technically, the banks fall under the auspices of Liu Mingkang , chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.

此次晚宴的举办得到了与该博物馆有合作关系并提供捐助的几家公司的联合赞助。The dinner was held under the auspices of businesses that have partnerships with the museum and contribute money to it.

最终在韩大娘的主持下韩家师兄妹合力打出宝刀,完成了师傅的遗愿。Finally, in Korean woman under the auspices of HanGuShi sibling force hit heavily, the completion of the teachers wishes.

社里的演员和经费有限,社员们又要当演员,又要做编剧,还得自己拉演出赞助。Most members in "Three Orange" have to take the role of being actors, play writers and even run about to attract auspices.

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就是这时期,我离开了卡昂,这个我生活的地方,受我所在学院的资助进行一次旅行。Just at this time I left Caen, where I was then living, to go on a geologic excursion under the auspices of the school of mines.

这项工作受到英国牛津大学考古学研究所与英联邦国殇纪念坟场管理委员会的支持,将持续六个月左右。The work, under the auspices of Oxford Archaeology and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, is expected to last for six months.

它是世卫组织主持下谈判的第一份公约,标志了增进公众健康的重大成就。The first treaty ever negotiated under the auspices of WHO, it represents a signal achievement in the advancement of public health.