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这些工人每天能挣2万卢比。These workers earn about 20,000 rupiah per day.

印度尼西亚的亿万富豪钱多得都没法准确计算了。Indonesia's rupiah trillionaires have so much money that it's difficult to count it.

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最近,韩元和印尼卢比兑美元汇率双双触及10年低位。The South Korean won and Indonesian rupiah have both recently hit 10-year lows against the dollar.

这在1997-98年的亚洲金融危机中,就意味着泰铢,印尼卢比和其它货币的崩溃。In the Asian crisis of 1997-98, that meant a collapse of the Thai baht, the Indonesian rupiah and others.

结果是,每一个卢比都产生了更大的价值,减少了腐败现象。The result has been more value for each rupiah spent, and demonstrable reductions in the levels of corruption.

在价格中等的饭店,给5,000卢比的小费就己足够袼—如果服务极好,也可以再多给大约1,000卢比。At moderately priced restaurants, 5,000 rupiah should do it. If the service is superb, tack on an extra 1,000 or so.

在价格中等的饭店,给5,000卢比的小费就己足够—如果服务极好,也可以再多给大约1,000卢比。At moderately priced restaurants, 5,000 rupiah should do it. If the service is superb, tack on an extra 1,000 or so.

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2000到3000个Rp兑换1美元,但是一度在1998年6月达到16,800个Rp兑换1美元。The rupiah had traded at about 2,000-3,000 rupiah per 1 USD, but reached a low of 16,800 rupiah per USD in June 1998.

日前,在一个室外新闻发布会上,赞比亚总统鲁皮亚·班达发言时竟被猴尿打断。A monkey urinated on Zambian President Rupiah Banda as he spoke to journalists at an outdoor news conference on Wednesday.

代理总统班达原来是姆瓦纳瓦萨的副总统,是执政党多党民主运动的候选人。Acting President Rupiah Banda, who was Mr. Mwanawasa's vice-president, was the candidate of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy.

不过,代总统班达逐渐缩小了差距,与此同时,开始清点来自农村地区选票,班达在那里有大量的支持者。However, acting president Rupiah Banda gradually gained ground as results began to come in from rural areas where his support is greatest.

美元对印尼盾也涨至1美元兑8,720印尼盾的水平,低于盘中高点8,820盾,不过仍然大幅高于周二尾盘的8,660盾。The U.S. currency also rose to 8, 720 rupiah, off its intraday peak of 8, 820 rupiah but still up sharply from 8, 660 rupiah late Tuesday.

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我不断获悉一大批新的非洲总统,他们据说是自由市场拥护者,包括赞比亚总统鲁皮亚·班达I keep reading about a new crop of African presidents who are supposedly free-market guys, including Rupiah Banda, the president of Zambia.

相反,以往在股市抛售期间急剧走软的货币几乎纹丝未动,比如泰铢、马来西亚林吉特和印尼卢比。Instead, currencies that used to gyrate sharply during stock selloffs such as the Thai baht, Malaysian ringgit and Indonesian rupiah have barely budged.

报道称,在一起有关土地和建筑税的最新案件中,明古鲁省长涉及的贪污总额高达230亿印尼盾。Reported that, with the land and building tax is the latest case, the total amount of Bengkulu governor of corruption involving up to 230 billion rupiah.

印度尼西亚2009年的消费税收入目标为48.2万亿卢比,与2008年修改后的国家预算相比,增加了2.7万亿卢比。The country is targeting excise tax revenue in 2009 of 48.2 trillion rupiah , an increase of 2.7 trillion rupiah compared to the revised 2008 state budget.

印尼央行还在考虑重启外国账户持有卢比数量的限制,这是该国为堵截资本流所做的一系列动作中的最新一步。It is also thinking about reintroducing a cap on rupiah accounts held by foreigners, the latest in a series of dykes, bunds and culverts designed to control flows of capital.

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赞比亚反对党领袖萨塔以微弱的优势领先于对手代总统班达,与此同时,周四举行的总统选举的选票清点工作继续进行。In Zambia, opposition leader Michel Sata is maintaining a slim lead over rival, Acting President Rupiah Banda, as vote tabulation continues from Thursday's presidential election.

"人民币汇率调整将给亚洲其它国家带来更多回旋馀地.事实上亚洲许多国家的货币已经开始升值,"Chua补充称,并引用了卢比和韩圜来说明."Moving the RMB would give other countries in the region a little more leeway. In fact a lot of currencies in the region have already started to move," Chua added, citing the rupiah and the won.