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每一天都是水果天!Everyday is a fruity day!

你现在对这些的颜色感兴趣吗?Are you into fruity colors now?

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秋天的田野果实累累。The fields in autumn are fruity.

这种红葡萄酒不含酒精而且果味浓。This red wine is soft and fruity.

我带来了四块休闲水果糖。I brought four Fruity Tootle bars.

这种红葡萄酒不含酒精而且果味浓。A fruity aroma or flavor in a wine.

烈的有水果味,可爱的开胃酒。Dry and fruity , lovely as an aperitif.

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喜欢水果味和奶油味的?Fond of the fruity and creamy flavours?

富含黑樱桃及樱桃的果味。Fruity aromas of blackberry and cherry.

有哪些水果的皮不能食用呢?What fruity is there skin cannot edible?

果味老玫瑰香味与树莓笔记。Fruity old rose scent with raspberry notes.

轻度身形,干,水果,柔和的水果结束。Light Body, Dry, Fruity, Sofy Fruity finish.

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新鲜和果味容易的和烤票据。Fresh and fruity with jammy and toasted notes.

通常也搭配有甜的果味酱。It’s usually served with a sweet, fruity filling.

酸度适中,果香的回味绵长。The wine has nice acidity and a long fruity finish.

回味和谐悠长,余留果味和辛香。A harmonious wine with a long, fruity and spicyfinish.

来自于加勒比海岸的激情,水果味,新鲜的感觉。The passion of Carribean Islands. Fruity and refreshing.

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美味,有新鲜的水果香味柔和粉红色玫瑰花。Dainty, soft pink rosettes with a fresh, fruity fragrance.

果味饮用醋已逐渐成为一种消费时尚。Fruity vinegar was corresponded to the consumer's fashion.

它的内部则有圆润的过渡,一切浑然天成。Its interior has fruity transition, all like nature itself.