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她还未来得及拒绝,他已经掀开了毯子的一角。Before she could refuse, he opened the blanket partway.

有一个进货的程序,在周三那一整天。There was a shipment that came in partway through the day on Thursday.

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中途关闭收音机将无法进行第二步。Turning the radio off partway through will not allow the potions to work.

噢,它只比100万的情况下多用了一步,请注意这就是?On the other hand, watch what happens with binary. Is the partway one there?

你不妨爬一段楼梯或是搭电梯到塔顶眺望城市的壮观景色。Climb up partway , or take the elevators to the top for a spectacular view of the city.

我紧紧地蜷成一团,有什么东西爬进洞里,碰到我的脚。I curled up tight as something scrambled partway into the hole and bumped into my feet.

他补充说,有人担心利率可能在2011年中途开始上升.He added that there was a fear that interest rates could begin moving up partway into 2011.

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因此我们中的许多人都在部分介于责任感以及彻底放纵的混沌之间。So many of us end up living a life partway between responsibility and the chaos of complete abandon.

经过构建阶段的中途,一些新的技术问题有些阻碍了我们的进度。Partway through the construction phase, some new technical problems were impeding our progress somewhat.

多尔曼研究组表明,就算粒子取道嗅觉通路,也会有部分中途停止。His team has shown that even for particles that begin moving up the olfactory highway, some stop partway.

但是由于车内烤化了的、灼热的塑料滴到他身上,使他疼得退了出来。Wincing in pain as hot plastic from the car's melting interior dripped on him, he managed to pull her partway out.

他随后加入红牛通过去年和目前的竞争度过了他的首个完整的F1赛季。He subsequently joined Toro Rosso partway through last year and is currently competing in his first full F1 season.

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但是由于车内烤化了的、灼热的塑料滴到他身上,使他疼得退了出来。他已经将她拉出一半了。Wincing17 in pain as hot plastic from the car's melting interior dripped on him, he managed to pull her partway out.

如果半途将任务移交给团队成员,任务上下文会为他或她提供一个起点。If you turn over a task to a team member partway through, your task context provides him or her with a starting point.

你也能注意到,它始终会遍历列表,甚至列表在排序之前,就是有序的也是这样。You'll also notice that this thing goes through the entire list, even if the list is sorted before it gets partway through.

但一个聪明的玩家有可能使诈,在游戏中途改变物体,在这种情况下,他的答案并非事先决定的。But a clever player could also cheat, changing the object partway through. In that case, his answers aren’t determined in advance.

你可能并非总是试图写一些在各个方面都满足开闭原则的代码,但是即使只进行到中途也是非常有益的。You may not always manage to write code that satisfies the Open Closed Principle in every aspect, but even moving partway there can be beneficial.

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人群一瞬间全都行动起来,泰斯拉和伯拉克踌躇了一会儿,因维人朝他的同伙略微侧身,轻声说道。Tesla and Burak lingered for a moment at the hub of the sudden activity. The Invid turned partway toward his accomplice and spoke in a hushed voice.

你夜以继日千辛万苦搭建好的界面,到头来却壮志未酬身先死,绝大多数的访客,在这些界面所支撑的过程进行到一半的时候就放弃了。You put in days or weeks building the interface, only to find that a vast majority of visitors abandon it partway through the process that it supports.

首先为何政府班子里有这么多人对苏斯金特吐露情绪,而此时奥巴马总统仅仅在第一个任期的半道上?Why have so many people in the Obama administration vented to Mr. Suskind in the first place, when the president was only partway through his first term?