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编程语言中每一个关键字都有其特殊的用途。Every keyword has a purpose.

找到它--我们得到了这些return命令。So return is another keyword.

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注意,关键字方面有一个变化。Note that there is a keyword change.

首先我们有一个关键词。def First of all, we have a keyword. def.

许多萨满的威能都有著精魂关键字。Many shaman powers have the spirit keyword.

从左上角向下的关键词优化策略Top-left-down keyword optimization strategy

DB2“Stinger”在这条命令中增加了一个新的关键字。DB2 V8.2 adds a new keyword to this command.

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该关键字表示属性的可见度。This keyword denotes a property's visibility.

这被牛鼻子字富有的身体本文然后跟随。This is then followed by keyword rich body text.

首先,IF是个关键词。First of all, IF is a keyword. which makes sense.

这种任务之一是网站关键字搜索。One example of this is Website keyword searching.

关键词搜索找到无序的单词系列。Keyword search finds unordered sequences of words.

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这个define关键词,我们稍后会讲到。This define keyword is something we'll see later on.

反对不带WITH关键字的表提示用法Deprecated usage of table hints without WITH keyword.

主题词的切分是自动标引的第一步。The first step in automatic index is keyword segmentation.

让举一个例子牛鼻子字研究比较好的。Lets take an example to understand keyword research better.

在BISON的关键词中“and”永远做为逻辑操作符。In a BISON keyword search, “and” is always a Boolean operator.

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或者我们也可以简单地使用现有的关键字“const”。Or perhaps we could simply reuse the existing keyword “Const”.

您可以用文字搜寻在我们网站里的所有文件。You can search all documents on our web-site with the keyword.

下周,谷歌将在上海公布热门的搜索关键词。Google will release a hot search keyword in Shanghai next week.