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我最喜欢的颜色是藕荷色。My favourite color is fuchsia.

这件粉红色细皱褶的雪纺纱罩衫有点太引人注目了。This fuchsia ruche chiffon blouse is a little too dramatic.

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错过这紫红色,就会哭哭喔!Missing out on this fuchsia would make you weep, weep, weep!

细腻的花朵装点在色调的紫红色以及紫水晶。The exquisite flowers come alive in shades of fuchsia and amethyst.

一双闪现紫红色水晶,另一双则饰有浅紫色水晶。One sparkles in Fuchsia crystal, the other in Light Amethyst crystal.

一个紫红色的日落背景布幕棕榈树坐落在佛罗里达的科帕奇岛。A fuchsia sunset backdrops a stand of palm trees on Florida's Captiva Island.

明亮的玫瑰色到樱红色重瓣花。深绿色叶。Lovely double blossoms of bright rose to fuchsia. Dark symmetrical foliage. Miniature.

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明亮的玫瑰色到樱红色重瓣花。深绿色叶。迷你型。Lovely double blossoms of bright rose to fuchsia . Dark symmetrical foliage. Miniature.

穿着我最爱的两个颜色,玫红和桔黄,在巴黎的郊区闲逛着。Wearing two my favorite colors, fuchsia and orange and wandering around in the suburb of Paris.

对于大马哈鱼,倒挂金钟花及珊瑚的喜爱似乎婶婶扎在女性的心里,而这种爱好并不只是从她们的妈妈那里继承的。A love of salmon, fuchsia and coral does seem to be rooted into females, rather than picked from their mothers.

这是为提高防范艾滋病意识做的广告,就张贴在教堂粉色倒挂金钟的一边。The sign is an advertisement for AIDS awareness which is posted on the side of the Apostolic Church, fuchsia pink.

丰富的紫红色和翡翠绿的天鹅绒,被洗涤或返工,以产生图案光泽效果。Rich velvets, in colors such as fuchsia and emerald green, are washed or reworked to create a patterned sheen effect.

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早石炭世两个断片由玄武岩和灰白色、紫红色放射虫硅质岩、硅质泥岩、凝灰岩组成。The two early Carboniferous fragments are composed of Basalt and ash-black, fuchsia radiolaria silicalite, siliceous mudstone, tuff.

梁雅丽,染了一头淡褐色的头发,脚趾甲上也涂上了各种颜色的指甲油,显然这与“中国制造”的工人形象一点都不符合。With her iridescent fuchsia toenails and caramel-tinted hair, Liang Yali does not exactly fit the stereotype of the "made in China" worker bee.

四川以其川菜的辣闻名于世,正因如此,这里的食物不仅是中国最好的之一,也是世界最好的之一。Sichuan is renowned for its spicy cuisine. Rightly so, says Fuchsia Dunlop. The food is not just the best in China, it's among the best in the world.

今年流行的颜色是红、黑、多彩向日葵色以及其他大胆鲜明的颜色,如明黄,不同色调的绿色、紫红色和橙色。The star colours this year are valentine red, black, multicolour sunflowers and daring proposals such as yellow, different tones of green, fuchsia and orange.

下面是本届艾美奖晚会上十佳最佳着装女性,我们来一起欣赏一下。The evening's best-dressed woman was undoubtedly Brooke Shields. The "Lipstick Jungle" lead looked fabulous in a fuchsia Badgley Mischka gown and youthful tresses.

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品红和紫红被视为性感夸张,但用浅粉冲淡红色之后,原始的诱惑感觉就会被柔和的浪漫情愫取代。Magenta and fuchsia are perceived as sensual and theatrical. But water-down the red in lighter pinks and the raw sensuality of red is replaced with gentle romanticism.

世无优于他人者,除非吾等所论为时尚,而吾很抱歉,吾更愿将此话题留予那些通晓区分凫蓝与晚樱红之法的女子及部分男子。One is not better than the other, unless we're talking about fashion and I'm sorry, but I gave that to women and some guys who know the difference between teal and fuchsia.

新礼袍系列含有20种不同的长袍礼服,颜色各异,包括生物医学及健康学院的镶橘黄色边礼袍、牙科院的镶紫红色边礼袍,以及法学院的镶银色边礼袍。The new range features 20 different robes of varying colours, including orange for the School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, fuchsia for the Dental Institute and silver for the School of Law.