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我们不预付任何工作。We don't prepay any work.

客户必须预缴下一个月之费用。Advance payment and prepay next month.

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预付款和后付款选项为每个拨号计划。Prepay and Post Pay option for each dial plan.

订做可以,先交订金一半,货到款付清,怎么样?。You can make order, but you have to prepay half of the subscription , OK?

在之前的托管服务上,我们必须要预付一个月的费用。In their previous hosting service they had to prepay for a month at a time

第三百九十九条受托人应当按照委托人的指示处理委托事务。The principal shall prepay the expenses for handling the entrusted affair.

如果您选择预付您的整个保留您的信用卡,您可以这样做。If you opt to prepay your entire reservation with your credit card, you may do so.

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第三百九十八条委托人应当预付处理委托事务的费用。Article 398 The principal shall prepay the expenses for handling the entrusted affair.

不过,经这种方法不自由的呼唤你需要预先支付你的电话。However, via this method the calls are not free and you will need to prepay for your calls.

这项服务目前12.99美元每月你可以预先为一年或更长时间,如果你想。The service is currently 12.99 per month and you can prepay for a year or more if you would like.

参加这以项目是自愿的,参与者可以在任何时间将贷款预付给政府。Participation in the program would be voluntary and participants could prepay the government loan at any time.

借款人归还本资信证明书正本后可以提前偿还全部或部分贷款。The borrower may, after return the original certificate of creditability back, prepay all or any part of the loan.

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固定利率和提前还款期权相结合有助于保护借款人免于利率风险。The combination of fixed interest rates and an option to prepay helps to shield borrowers from interest-rate risks.

游客可以在网上为预定半小时空档付费,这给他们带来了很大的方便。Tourists will benefit from a new ticketing system allowing them to prepay for reserved half-hour time slots online.

把当前年度的费用延迟到下一年支付,在下一年预付它们,这样可以把相关的费用集中到一年内。It may be advantageous to delay payments in one year and prepay them in the next year to bunch the expenses in one year.

本发明涉及一种预付信用卡并可在能够使用信用卡的系统中用来服务付费或商业交易。This invention is a kind of prepay credit card and it can pay for the service and trade on the credit card enable system.

第三百九十八条委托人应当预付处理委托事务的费用。Article 398 Principal's Obligation to Prepay Expenses The principal shall prepay the expenses for handling the entrusted affair.

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这也是顾客不愿意对某项服务或产品做出预付或是签订长期合约的原因。This is why customers are reluctant to buy when someone asks them to prepay for a service or product or sign a long-term contract.

公司“保留在没有强加利息或罚金的情况下,预先支付全部或部分所欠款项的权力。The Corporation reserves the right to prepay the whole or any part of the amount owed without the imposition of a premium or penalty therefore.

除本协议中规定的时间及方式外,借款人不得偿还或提前偿还全部或部分贷款。The Borrower shall not repay or prepay all or any part of the Loan except at the times and in the manner expressly provided for in this Agreement.