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省略在两种语言中基本都表现为回指衔接。The cohesion of ellipsis is usually anaphoric in both English and Chinese.

灯光的照应,使河水泛起了点点光亮,波光粼粼。Anaphoric lights, so that the water thrown up a little bit of bright, sparkling.

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本文对汉语会话中的照应修正现象进行了系统研究。This dissertation reports on a systematic study of anaphoric repair in Chinese conversation.

英语反身代词作为“照应”手段之一,倍受各派语言学家的青睐。As one of the anaphoric devices , English reflexive pronouns have long captured the imagination of linguists.

在回指语的非提取功能中,预设新用是常见的一种。Among the non-accessing functions of anaphoric expressions, pseudo-presupposition is a common and important one.

第二,三个形式均有的第三人称的照应中名词形式最多,可见确保明确原则是两种语言篇章照应的第一原则。In the third person, which exists in all the three forms, the anaphoric form of nouns covers the most proportion.

回指语在实际语篇中的功能是非常复杂的,不能简单归结为提取对象实体。The functions of anaphoric expressions in discourse are complex and cannot be simply described as accessing given entities.

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本论文以英语和汉语的真实语料为基础,拟对空语类PRO在英、汉语中的照应性约束特征进行研究。This paper is intended to investigate into the properties of anaphoric binding of PRO, which is one type of empty categories.

本研究的结果表明,增加与先行词同一范畴的干扰词的典型性,会使先行词通达困难,导致回指推理失败。The study results suggested that increasing the typicality of same-category distractor will cause anaphoric inference resolution fail.

间接回指是指话语上下文中先行成分和照应成分之间没有直接指代关系的一种特殊回指形式。Indirect anaphora refers to a special anaphoric structure in which the antecedent of a sentence has no direct relation with the anaphor.

回指语在语篇中的实际功能是非常复杂的,不能简单地用提取对象实体来概括。The functions of anaphoric expressions in discourse are complex, and can not be simply described as accessing or retrieving"given"entities.

它在言语中的作用是指示功能和照应功能,第一、第二人称代词主要行使指示功能,而第三人称则主要行使文内照应功能。While the first and the second person pronouns mainly perform deictic functions, the third person pronoun is of anaphoric reference in a text.

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同时还举例说明了指示语的具体用法,特别是指示语的身势用法和象征用法,以及照应用法和非照应用法。It has also illustrated the concrete usage of the deixis, especially the gestural usage, symbolic usage, anaphoric usage and non-anaphoric usage.

为了对此类照应修正现象提供一个更加充分的、综合性的解释,论文最终提出了一个“照应修正的语用认知模型”。Finally, a pragmatic and cognitive model of anaphoric repair is advanced for a comprehensive and synthetic interpretation of repairs of pronominal forms.

这其中,认知因素与非认知因素同时作用于前指关系,使前指关系的类型学特征更加复杂、丰富。Cognitive factors and non-cognitive factors which are equally effective in their impact on anaphoric relations render the latter more complicated and enriched.

语言中的照应词在句法上的分布及照应释义往往受句法结构限制。Anaphors are bound by syntactic structures in syntactic distribution and anaphoric interpretation Chomsky s binding theory reveals the property of anaphors in syntax.

传统的句法研究把照应定位在相互代词和反身代词上,并限于小句的范畴,照应的功用也只限于取代其先行词的句法作用之上。Traditional syntactic study puts emphasis on reciprocal and reflexive pronouns within sentences. Anaphoric function has been described only as a substitute of an antecedent.

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在可及性理论中,显著性被视为影响对象实体可及性高低的四大要素之一。The Accessibility Theory regards Saliency as a major factor influencing the accessibility of discourse entities, which in turn determines the choice of anaphoric expressions.

实验一采用以句子为单位的自控阅读,通过再认探测技术,结果发现,被试在加工含回指词的目标句时,回指词的不合适先行词也会得以通达。In Experiment 1, participants read passages sentence by sentence at their own pace and made judgments about probe words that were either appropriate or inappropriate anaphoric referents.

研究旨在对照应修正的结构特征进行系统的描述,并对其内在机制以及指称选择过程加以阐释。It aims to describe the routine practices that constitute anaphoric repair and account for both the mechanism and process of anaphoric repair and the referential choice in repair sequence.