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当中微子使一种夸克转化为另一种夸克时,会发射出一个轻子。When a neutrino transforms a quark, a lepton is emitted.

在超新星1987A中,中微子能量通常为几十兆电子伏。In 1987A, neutrino energies were typically a few 10′s of MeV.

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浮士德备受折磨的情人格雷琴就象精灵般的中微子。Faust’s tormented love, Gretchen, appeared as the fairylike neutrino.

什么是基本对称的绝对质量的中微子?What are the fundamental symmetries and absolute mass of the neutrino ?

因此,恩里科•费米把它们叫做‘小中子’,在意大利语中就是中微子的意思。So Enrico Fermi called them "a little neutron, " in Italian is neutrino.

探测器和阵列共同构成了冰立方天文台的主体部分。The detector and arrays combine to make the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.

这些也是唯一类型的中微子,被认为可以从膜上逃脱。These are also the only type of neutrino thought capable of escaping the brane.

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现在,天天物理学家对中微子的质量上限作出了一个最佳测定。Now astrophysicists have put a best-guess upper limit on the mass of the neutrino.

从中微子工作计算出铀和钍约产出20太瓦。The calculation from the neutrino work yields 20 terawatts for uranium and thorium.

贫瘠的微中子不能加到标准模型上来解释小微中子的质量。Sterile neutrinos can be added to the standard model to explain the small neutrino mass.

原子内的一个中子衰变后会产生一个质子、一个电子和一个中微子。When a neutron inside an atom decays, it produces a proton, an electron, and a neutrino.

中微子望远镜是深埋在地下或者海中的大型探测器阵列。Neutrino telescopes are vast arrays of sensors located deep underground or under the sea.

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本文讨论了从宇宙中微子成团现象测定中微子质量的方法。The determination of neutrino mass from cosmic neutrino clustering phenomena is discussed.

在众多的亚原子粒子家族中,中微子是最令人捉摸不定的基本态粒子。Neutrino is the most unstable elementary state particle in numerous subsonic atom particles.

大亚湾的实验起步艰难,紧接着是另两个中微子的成功测定。The start-up of the Daya Bay experiment comes hard on the heels of two other neutrino successes.

从理论上予言了右手中微子流和右手荷电流的存在。Right-handed neutrino neutral current and right-handed charge current are predicted in this theory.

标准模型中是不存在轻子味破缺过程的,因为中微子没有质量。There is no lepton flavor violating process in the Standard Model, because of the massless neutrino.

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最近,费米实验室研究人员在明尼苏达州首丹矿井里的探测器注入了中微子束流。Researchers at Fermilab currently shoot a neutrino beamto a detector in the Soudan mine in Minnesota.

事实上,物理学家预计,中微子产生的那“砰”一声信号,在5公里远处还能被听见。In fact, physicists reckon the signature pop a neutrino would make could be heard as far as 5 km away.

但宾吉说,在试图测量中微子小时,很容易犯了一个错误。But Plunkett says it is easy to make a mistake when trying to measure something as small as a neutrino.