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然而,从地缘政治的角度看,这绝对是影响巨大。But in geopolitical terms, it is a whopper.

可能造成高空核爆事件的地理政治状况有好几种。NUMBER OF GEOPOLITICAL scenarios could lead to a HANE incident.

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儒家文明是一个世界地缘政治的摹状词。The Confucian Civilization is a geopolitical phrase in the world.

现在,急需能源的中国正在展示它的地缘政治力量。Now, a resource-hungry China is flexing its geopolitical muscle too.

巴中关系确实是这两个国家的地缘政治基石。The relationship is indeed a geopolitical keystone for both countries.

他是一个曾经为美国肩负过重大地缘政治责任的人,而且他过去曾在海军任职。He's somebody who's had huge geopolitical responsibilities for the U.S.

这是对印度地理空间上的其中一个重大冲击。It is the one major power which impinges directly on India's geopolitical space.

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20世纪的大部分时间亚洲都被战争的地理政治论支配着。For much of the 20th century, Asia was dominated by the geopolitical tides of war.

伊朗和美国之间的敌对状态不存在美国地缘政治方面的动机。There is no American geopolitical motivation for hostility between Iran and the US.

21世纪世界将进入地缘经济和地缘政治时代。The world has entered the 21st century, which we call geo-economic and geopolitical era.

正在崛起的国家在积累财富和地缘政治影响力也拒绝承担这些费用。Countries on the rise amass wealth and geopolitical clout by refusing to bear those costs.

萨维茨基的地缘政治思想与苏联时期的对外政策不谋而合。His geopolitical thoughts coincide with the foreign policy in the era of the Soviet Union.

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本地图则是地缘政治的哗众取宠的另一实例,但它来源于土耳其的角度。This map is another example of geopolitical grandstanding, but from a Turkish perspective.

濒海国家的战略挑战在于必须面对海陆两面的地缘政治压力。This makes it face the geopolitical pressure from ocean and land as a challenging strategy.

很明显,北京认为南中国海地区是地缘政治角逐的重要战场。Clearly, Beijing considers the South China Sea a vital square in its geopolitical chessboard.

而且许多人认为莫斯科在能源资源的地缘政治立场可能让这个部门政治化。And many believe Moscow's geopolitical stance on energy resources could politicise the sector.

对于尼赫鲁坎普的饥渴寻水的人们来说,地缘政治问题早已无从谈起。For the people in Nehru Camp, geopolitical concerns are lost in the frenzied pursuit of water.

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人们该如何看待经济及地缘政治影响力朝向东方的这一重大转移?How does one calibrate the momentous shift of economic and geopolitical clout towards the east?

它比绝大多数国家强大和富裕,它的地缘政治地位也极为可观。It is far stronger and richer than most, and its geopolitical position is remarkably favorable.

但是如果华盛顿能够有效处理好这次地理政治转型,则会从中受益。But Washington can benefit if it is able to manage this geopolitical transformation effectively.