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将丰富的肥皂溶液涂到饰条胶合剂背面。Apply soap solution liberally to adhesive backing of stripe.

戴尔出生在一个开放的犹太教家庭。Dell was born into a family which liberally practiced Judaism.

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这一问题包括过分自由配药造成的滥用。This includes overuse, when drugs are dispensed too liberally.

有意者可与本人联系,价格从优。The interested persons may relate with myself, price liberally.

他坐下来,随意吃着冷牛肉和酸泡菜。And he sat down and helped himself liberally to cold beef and pickles.

但是与中国不同,他花钱随心所欲,难以积聚很多财富。But unlike China, he will spend money too liberally to accumulate much wealth.

要从你羊群,禾场,酒榨之中多多地给他。Supply him liberally from your flock, your threshing floor and your winepress.

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于睡前均匀涂抹于干燥皮肤,避免眉毛和发线。Apply liberally and evenly to dry skin prior to sleep. Avoid eyebrows and hairline.

莱昂纳多会经常用他的指纹作为他的特殊的绘画手法。Leonardo used his hands liberally and frequently as part of his painting technique.

随意在鞋帮或鞋带上喷洒一下小苏打水,放置一整夜,早上把苏打粉弄掉。Liberally sprinkle soda in the offending loafer or lace-up and let it sit overnight.

喷雾从优汽车,家庭,RV和任何地方,需要复习,但不饱和。Spray liberally in car, home, RV, and anywhere that needs a refresher, but do not saturate.

操作非常简单,用一个棉球蘸上金缕梅,大面积地涂抹,让其自然风干。Simply apply it to a cotton ball, liberally smooth it over the skin and allow it to air dry.

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接着用木、骨头或象牙做的用具来将其涂在眼睛周围。It was then liberally applied around the eyes with utensils made out of wood, bone and ivory.

有助于防备尿疹出现,每次调换尿片时,匀称地在干燥的皮肤上涂上油膏。To help prevent Diaper Rash, apply ointment liberally to clean dry skin after each diaper change.

扑粉宽松视需要经常动摇粉末到你的手和平滑到皮肤。Apply powder liberally as often as necessary by shaking powder into your hand and smoothing onto skin.

里根分统,让倾向于自在党的丹尼斯失望,分说宣布当年是“圣经元年。”President Reagan , much to the liberally minded Dennis's chagrin, declared it "The Year of the Bible."

窗户都开着,吊扇在顶上旋转,空气和光线自由在屋内穿行。The windows were open and a ceiling fan whirred above us, air and light moved liberally through the room.

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在烘培板或者烘焙盘上盖一片不粘的烘焙纸,均匀地撒上细白砂糖。Cover a baking sheet or tray with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment sprinkled liberally with caster sugar.

建议使用防晒系数15或以上的太阳油,并在出汗或游泳后再涂上。Sunscreen lotion with an SPF of 15 or above is recommended. Apply liberally and re-apply after swimming or sweating.

利用前请摇匀,在阳光暴晒前平均涂抹于裸露的肌肤,并确定完全笼盖所有区域。Shake well before use. Apply evenly and liberally to all exposed areas before sun exposure. ensure complete coverage.