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因此称那地方为巴力毘拉心。So that place was called Baal Perazim.

这样,耶户在以色列中灭了巴力。Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel.

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巴尔和他的军团到达了亚瑞特山。Baal and his army march on Mount Arreat.

他的神远远大过巴力和亚他斯录。His God was greater than Baal or Ashtoreth.

如果他们成功的话,那太阳神就是真神了。If they succeeded, then Baal was the real God.

难道我要孤老终生,或是让万能的太阳神来迎娶我?Should I be along all my life? Or should Baal marry me?

以利亚对他们说,拿住巴力的先知,不容一人逃脱。Then Elijah commanded them, 'Seize the prophets of Baal.

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盲目崇拜恶魔亚斯她录,和巴力神的异教徒。Worshipping Astaroth blindly, and impious idols of Baal.

他们离弃了耶和华,去事奉巴力和亚斯他录。And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth.

起初,巴力丹为贫民区的儿童提供衣服。At first, Baal Dan provided street children with clothes.

然后调用出来巴力,我会请出主。Then you call out to Baal and I will call out to the Lord.

耶和华因巴力毗珥的事所行的,你们亲眼看见了。You saw with your own eyes what the LORD did at Baal Peor.

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所以El被baal取代,在被他打败以后。So El is replaced by Baal after a defeat of some watery foe.

即使到现在他们还是勇敢地面对恶魔,冒雪寻找巴尔。They are even now braving the demons and snow to reach Baal himself.

我为我自己留下了七千人,他们没有向巴耳屈过膝。I have left for myself seven thousand men who have not knelt to Baal.

将巴力庙中的柱像都拿出来烧了。They brought the sacred stone out of the temple of Baal and burned it.

在撒玛利亚建造巴力的庙,在庙里为巴力筑坛。He erected an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he built in Samaria.

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阿摩司在这里指出他们的偶像不仅仅是巴力和赫拉,还有财神。Here Amos extended their idols are not only Baal and Asherah but also "Mammon".

我让人们把那几个太阳神的骗子杀了。I told all the Israelites to kill the prophets of Baal because they were frauds.

凡随从巴力毗珥的人,耶和华你们的神都从你们中间除灭了。The LORD your God destroyed from among you everyone who followed the Baal of Peor