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道是真理。Tao is truth.

你好,我是刘涛。Hi , I'm Liu Tao.

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我的名字叫王涛。My name is Wang Tao.

迈克比刘涛矮。Mike is than Liu Tao.

我的名字叫黄涛。My name is Huang Tao.

阮公陶说道。Nguyen Cong Tao said.

早上好,刘滔。Good morning, Liu Tao.

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早上好,陶先生。Good morning, Mr. Tao.

下午好,刘涛。Good afternoon, Liu Tao.

你好,李涛。今天过得好吗?Hi, Li Tao. How's today?

陶说着就拉着于往外走。Tao said and pulled to go.

你是林涛吗?—是的。Are you Lin Tao? —Yes, I'm.

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大卫,你认识林涛吗?David, do you know Lin Tao?

林涛拥有最多的选票。Lin Tao won the most votes.

李涛昨天患了流行性感冒。Li Tao got the flu yesterday.

这个书签是给刘涛的。This bookmark is for Liu Tao.

王涛乘错了汽车。Wang Tao is on the wrong bus.

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林涛带着队伍出发了。Lin tao set out with the team.

王涛于六月六日出生,母子平安。Tao born June sixth both well.

道看到农,大喜过望。Tao farming, overjoyed to see.