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手排挡或自动排挡?Manual or automatic?

电线剪剥皮机“,”Wire Automatic Cutter.

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我较喜欢自动排档车。I prefer the automatic.

何谓自动下线?What is automatic logoff?

自动绕线机“,”Automatic Winding Machine.

这是一种无意识的行为吗?Is that an automatic thing?

出口自动许可证号。Automatic export licence No.

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玩弄自动门。Play with the automatic doors.

HT基本上是自动的。The HT is basically automatic.

自动装置运转很灵活。The automatic works very well.

自动绕线机“,”Automatic Coil Winding Machine.

我很高兴这辆车是自动档的。I'm glad this car is automatic.

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铁心自动插入机“,”Automatic Core Lapping Machines.

你的车是手动档的还是自动档的?Is your car manual or automatic?

应该禁止自动折词。May disable automatic word wrap.

自动售票机“,”Automatic Ticket Vending Machine.

行李自动分捡系统。Automatic baggage sorting system.

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是的,我们的车子都是自排的。Yeah, all our cars are automatic.

自动油温控制器。Automatic oil temperature control.

我想租一部自排的四门房车。I like to rent an automatic sedan.